Master of Divinity (MDiv)
- IPS 578 Contextual Education Preparation (0 credit/ Spring)
- IPS 579 Contextual Education Introduction (0 credit/ Fall) 100hrs
- M.Div Students must take the course again in their second year of CE
- IPS 580 Contextual Education (3 credits/ Spring) 150hrs
- IPS 581 Contextual Education (3 credits/ Fall) 150hrs
- Site Supervisor
- Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE – 0 credits) – one unit of 400 hours
What is involved during the year of Contextual Education and Clinical Pastoral Education?
Through Contextual Education, Master of Divinity students acquire and enhance their leadership skills and fluency in the practice of pastoral ministry through a Theological Action Research program that combines onsite community-based collaborative work, mentoring and supervision, skill-based workshops, as well as peer and faculty weekly reflection sessions. For CPE, M. Div students secure a specified role in a parish, school, retreat center, hospital, social service agency, or other placement selected where they gain skills of pastoral care, self-awareness, and professional acumen.
Course Details
Contextual Education:
Contextual Education involves the following course components:
- IPS 578 Contextual Ed Prep: This course prepares students to engage in the practice of contextual education by orienting students to the contextual education framework, focusing on their own vocational identity, and reflecting on how students view the work of ministry. The course also introduces students to theological action research. By the end of the course, students are required to designate a contextual education site and develop a Theological Action Research Plan that outlines the project they will engage at this location.
- IPS 579 Contextual Ed Intro: This course facilitates the student’s initial foray into work at their contextual education site by integrating informative presentations, skill-based workshops, theological reflection, and the coaching of seasoned ministers in order to provide a rich learning environment for acquainting oneself with the site and beginning to organize their Theological Action Research (TAR) project. Typically students will engage for 4-5hrs per week at their site during this semester, allowing them to gain 100hrs of hands on experience at their site of ministry and begin to develop a community-based TAR project. Students will also meet at least 1hr per month over the course of the semester with their Site Supervisor who will conduct a mid-year evaluation of the student and his/her work.
- IPS 580 Contextual Education I: This 3-credit bearing course is the culmination of the student’s contextual education experience and is designed to support and imbue the student’s TAR project. Integrating informative presentations, skill-based workshops, theological reflection, and the coaching of seasoned ministers, this multidimensional experience facilitates and enhances the student’s active participate in community-based collaborative processes of inquiry, leadership, knowledge production, and effective action. Through these experiences students learn the essential practice of how to rely on and engage with their community as a way of attending to its needs, wounds, and hopes and for cultivating theological wisdom and discernment. Typically students will engage for 10-12hrs per week at their site during this semester, allowing them to gain 150hrs of hands on experience at their site of ministry engaging in their community-based TAR project. Students will also meet 1hr per week over the course of the semester with their Site Supervisor who will conduct a final formal evaluation of the student and his/her work.
- IPS 581 Contextual Education II: This 3-credit bearing course is taken after IPS 579 in the second year of the student’s CE experience in fulfillment of the degree requirements. It encapsulates the components of IPS 580 and is centered around a new or extended TAR project.
Clinical Pastoral Education:
In CPE the student will:
- Become aware of oneself as a minister and aware of the ways in which one's ministry affects other persons.
- Develop the ability to utilize the experiential method of learning.
- Develop the ability to utilize the peer group for support, dialogue, and feedback in a way in which integrates personal characteristics with pastoral functioning.
- Use individual supervision for personal and professional growth and for developing the capacity to evaluate one's ministry.
- Grapple theologically with human experience and to enhance the interface between theology and the psychological sciences in understanding the human condition.
- Become aware of how one's attitudes, values and assumptions affect one's ministry.
- Develop an awareness of the pastoral presence in interdisciplinary relationships.

- IPS 578 Contextual Education Preparation (0 credit/ Spring)
- IPS 579 Contextual Education Introduction (0 credit/ Fall) 100hrs
- M.Div Students must take the course again in their second year of CE
- IPS 580 Contextual Education (3 credits/ Spring) 150hrs
- IPS 581 Contextual Education (3 credits/ Fall) 150hrs
- Site Supervisor
- Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE – 0 credits) – one unit of 400 hours
What is involved during the year of Contextual Education and Clinical Pastoral Education?
Through Contextual Education, Master of Divinity students acquire and enhance their leadership skills and fluency in the practice of pastoral ministry through a Theological Action Research program that combines onsite community-based collaborative work, mentoring and supervision, skill-based workshops, as well as peer and faculty weekly reflection sessions. For CPE, M. Div students secure a specified role in a parish, school, retreat center, hospital, social service agency, or other placement selected where they gain skills of pastoral care, self-awareness, and professional acumen.
Course Details
Contextual Education:
Contextual Education involves the following course components:
- IPS 578 Contextual Ed Prep: This course prepares students to engage in the practice of contextual education by orienting students to the contextual education framework, focusing on their own vocational identity, and reflecting on how students view the work of ministry. The course also introduces students to theological action research. By the end of the course, students are required to designate a contextual education site and develop a Theological Action Research Plan that outlines the project they will engage at this location.
- IPS 579 Contextual Ed Intro: This course facilitates the student’s initial foray into work at their contextual education site by integrating informative presentations, skill-based workshops, theological reflection, and the coaching of seasoned ministers in order to provide a rich learning environment for acquainting oneself with the site and beginning to organize their Theological Action Research (TAR) project. Typically students will engage for 4-5hrs per week at their site during this semester, allowing them to gain 100hrs of hands on experience at their site of ministry and begin to develop a community-based TAR project. Students will also meet at least 1hr per month over the course of the semester with their Site Supervisor who will conduct a mid-year evaluation of the student and his/her work.
- IPS 580 Contextual Education I: This 3-credit bearing course is the culmination of the student’s contextual education experience and is designed to support and imbue the student’s TAR project. Integrating informative presentations, skill-based workshops, theological reflection, and the coaching of seasoned ministers, this multidimensional experience facilitates and enhances the student’s active participate in community-based collaborative processes of inquiry, leadership, knowledge production, and effective action. Through these experiences students learn the essential practice of how to rely on and engage with their community as a way of attending to its needs, wounds, and hopes and for cultivating theological wisdom and discernment. Typically students will engage for 10-12hrs per week at their site during this semester, allowing them to gain 150hrs of hands on experience at their site of ministry engaging in their community-based TAR project. Students will also meet 1hr per week over the course of the semester with their Site Supervisor who will conduct a final formal evaluation of the student and his/her work.
- IPS 581 Contextual Education II: This 3-credit bearing course is taken after IPS 579 in the second year of the student’s CE experience in fulfillment of the degree requirements. It encapsulates the components of IPS 580 and is centered around a new or extended TAR project.
Clinical Pastoral Education:
In CPE the student will:
- Become aware of oneself as a minister and aware of the ways in which one's ministry affects other persons.
- Develop the ability to utilize the experiential method of learning.
- Develop the ability to utilize the peer group for support, dialogue, and feedback in a way in which integrates personal characteristics with pastoral functioning.
- Use individual supervision for personal and professional growth and for developing the capacity to evaluate one's ministry.
- Grapple theologically with human experience and to enhance the interface between theology and the psychological sciences in understanding the human condition.
- Become aware of how one's attitudes, values and assumptions affect one's ministry.
- Develop an awareness of the pastoral presence in interdisciplinary relationships.