Loyola University Chicago

Department of Psychology

Catherine DeCarlo Santiago

Title: Assistant Professor, Clinical Psychology, Ph.D.  
Office: Coffey Hall 343
Phone: 773-508-2712 
E-mail: csantiago4@luc.edu


Personal Information

Ph.D., University of Denver

B.A., University of Notre Dame


Website: CASA Lab

Research Interests:

My research program explores risk and resilience factors among children and families. I am interested in individual and family adaptation to poverty-related stressors and have studied the impact of stress, coping, involuntary stress responses, and other factors in this context. In addition, I am focused on cultural and family factors in relation to psychopathology and mental health intervention. In particular, I am interested in how family and cultural factors might enhance or ameliorate the relationship between stress and child psychopathology, especially among Latino families. I am currently translating this work into interventions in community settings. In partnership with community parents and providers, I have developed and evaluated a culturally informed family treatment component for low-income Latino children exposed to violence and participating in a school-based intervention for trauma. Our lab will continue both basic and intervention research that explores adaptation to poverty-related stressors among low-income children and families.

Recent Publications:

Wadsworth, M.E. & Santiago, C.D. (2008).  Risk and resiliency processes in ethnically diverse families in poverty.  Journal of Family Psychology, 22, 399-410.

Wadsworth, M.E., Santiago, C.D., & Einhorn, L. (2009). Coping with displacement from Hurricane Katrina: Predictors of one-year post traumatic stress and depression symptom trajectories.  Anxiety, Stress, and Coping: An International Journal, 22, 413-432.

Wolff, B.C., Santiago, C.D., & Wadsworth, M.E. (2009).  Poverty and involuntary engagement stress responses: Examining the link to anxiety and aggression within low-income families.  Anxiety, Stress, and Coping: An International Journal, 22, 309-325. 

Santiago, C.D. & Wadsworth, M.E. (2009).  Coping with family conflict: What’s helpful and what’s not for low-income adolescents.  Journal of Child and Family Studies, 18, 192-202.

Kataoka, S., Novins, D.K., & Santiago, C.D. (2010). The practice of evidence-based treatments for ethnic minority youth.  Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 19, 775-789.

Santiago, C.D., Wadsworth, M.E., & Stump, J. (2011). Socioeconomic status, neighborhood disadvantage, and poverty-related stress: Prospective effects on psychological syndromes among diverse low-income families. Journal of Economic Psychology: Special Issue on The Psychology and Behavioural Economics of Poverty, 32, 218-230.

Santiago, C.D. & Wadsworth, M.E. (2011). Family and cultural influences on low-income Latino children’s adjustment. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 40, 332-337.

Wadsworth, M.E., Raviv, T., Santiago, C.D., & Etter, E.M. (2011). Testing the Adaptation to Poverty-Related Stress Model: Predicting psychopathology symptoms in families facing economic hardship. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 40, 646-657.

Wadsworth, M.E., Santiago, C.D., Einhorn, L., Etter, E.M., Rienks, S., & Markman, H. (2011). Preliminary efficacy of an intervention to reduce psychosocial stress and improve coping in low-income families. American Journal of Community Psychology, 48, 257-271.

Santiago, C.D., Etter, E.M., Wadsworth, M.E., & Raviv, T. (2012). Predictors of responses to stress among families coping with poverty-related stress. Anxiety, Stress, and Coping: An International Journal, 25, 239-258.

Santiago, C.D., Kataoka, S.H., Miranda, J., & Zima, B.T. (2012). The impact of low socioeconomic status on child mental health and strategies for reducing disparities across sectors of care. In S. Reibert & A. Jannings (Eds.), Socioeconomic Status and Health Implications. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers.

Santiago, C.D., Kaltman, S., & Miranda, J. (2013). Poverty and mental health: How do low-income adults and children fare in psychotherapy? Journal of Clinical Psychology: In Session, 69(2), 115-126.

Santiago, C.D., Pears, G., Baweja, S., Vona, P., Tang, J., & Kataoka, S.H. (2013). Engaging parents in evidence-based treatments in schools: Community perspectives from implementing CBITS. School Mental Health, in press.

Langley, A.K., Santiago, C.D., Rodriguez, A., & Zelaya, J. (2013). Improving implementation of Mental Health Services for Trauma in Multicultural Elementary Schools: Stakeholder Perspectives on Parent and Educator Engagement. Journal of Behavioral Health Services and Research, 40, 247-262.

Santiago, C.D., Kataoka, S.H., Hu-Cordova, M.H., Alvarado-Goldberg, K., Maher, L.M., & Escudero, P. (2013). Preliminary evaluation of a family treatment component to augment a school-based intervention serving low-income families. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, in press.

Santiago, C.D., & Miranda, J. (2014). Progress in improving mental health services for racial-ethnic minority groups: A ten-year perspective. Psychiatric Services, 65, 180-185.

Santiago, C.D., Kataoka, S.H., Forness, S.R., & Miranda, J. (2014). Mental health services in special education:An analysis of quality of care. Children and Schools, 36, 175-182.

Santiago, C.D., Gudiño, O., Baweja, S., & Nadeem, E. (2014). Academic achievement among immigrant and U.S.-born Latino adolescents: Associations with cultural, family, and acculturation factorsJournal of Community Psychology, 42, 735-747.

Santiago, C.D., Lennon, J.M., Fuller, A.K., Brewer, S.K., & Kataoka, S.H. (2014). Examining the impact of a family treatment component for CBITS: When and for whom is it helpful?  Journal of Family Psychology, 28, 560-570.