Loyola University Chicago

Department of Psychology

Yael Granot

Title: Assistant Professor
Office: 234 Coffey Hall
Phone: 773-508-8362

Background Information
Post-Doctoral Fellowship: Yale Law School
Doctorate: Social Psychology, New York University
Bachelors: Psychology, Vassar College
Classes Taught
PSYC 372 Psychology and Law
PSYC 485 Graduate Psychology and Law
PSYC 279 The Psychology of Decision-Making
Research Interests
My research sits at the intersection of psychology and law, addressing how people evaluate and interact with legal actors. I bring together work on social identity as well as visual and cognitive attention, to address intergroup disparities at all stages of the legal process, from police stops to sentencing decisions. My central line of research explores how the manner in which people literally watch video evidence, as measured by eyetracking, can exaggerate an us-them divide in legal decision-making; I also test how visual interventions may be subtle and effective tools to combat bias. A second line of research explores the experience of procedural justice across development. In particular, I explore how adolescents interact with school-based police, and how these encounters shape their justice perceptions.
Selected Publications
Granot, Y., Balcetis, E., Feigenson, N., & Tyler, T. (2018). In the eyes of the law: Perception versus reality in appraisals of video evidence. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law24(1), 93-104.
Granot, Y., Balcetis, E., & Stern, C. (2017). Zip code of conduct: Crime rate affects legal punishment of police. Translational Issues in Psychological Science3(2), 176-186.
Alter, A. L., Stern, C., Granot, Y., & Balcetis, E. (2016). The “bad is black” effect: Why people believe evildoers have darker skin than do-gooders. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin42(12), 1653-1665.
Granot, Y., Balcetis, E., Schneider, K. E., & Tyler, T. R. (2014). Justice is not blind: Visual attention exaggerates effects of group identification on legal punishment. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General143(6), 2196-2208.
Balcetis, E., Dunning, D., & Granot, Y. (2012). Subjective value determines initial dominance in binocular rivalry. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology48(1), 122-129.