Loyola University Chicago

Institute of Pastoral Studies

Adjunct Faculty and Emeriti

Stephen Martz

Title/s:  Adjunct Assistant Professor

Email: smartz@luc.edu


Stephen Martz is a Jungian Analyst and Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor, as well as a Spiritual Director and Episcopal priest.  He has been at IPS since 2014, teaching Models of Pastoral Counseling as well as Family Therapy and Personal Transformation.  Besides IPS, his professional work is centered at the Jung Institute, of which he is president.  His degrees and professional training includes: D.Min. from Chicago Theological Seminary, Diploma in Jungian Analysis from the C.G. Jung Institute of Chicago, M.Div. from Catholic Theological Union, and B.A. from the University of Maryland (summa cum laude).  He also completed certificate trainings at the Center for Family Health and the Center for Religion and Psychotherapy.
Steve’s teaching is informed not only by his clinical work, especially his work in depth psychology and spirituality, but also by practical ministry experience gained during 20 years as a parish priest and his immersion in AIDS ministry during the early years of that health crisis, when he was a co-founder of Chicago’s AIDS Pastoral Care Network.  Steve has been a popular teacher at IPS, as these excerpts from his student evaluations attest:
I'm midway through the PC program, and Steve is by far the strongest instructor I've encountered. He is not only very knowledgeable in the subject matter, but his genuinely pastoral presence creates a very safe atmosphere. I would LOVE it if the program would have him teach a course on Jung!!!

From the beginning, I found Steve to be engaging and personal. When he spoke, he looked every student in the eye and created an environment whereby every student felt comfortable discussing, sharing and asking questions. His vast experience was evident and yet he listened closely to every person and always found a morsel of wisdom hidden in every person's viewpoint. His gentleness and humility made classes safe and open and yet sacredly confidential. His demeanor demonstrated for me not only what it means to be a good professor, but also what it means to be a good counsellor. He treated us as equals, that we were all in this together and that he would do all he could for us. He lives what he teaches.

Steve is a very personable professor who takes a careful and inclusive interest in each student. He is careful to listen to and encourage each person and is very conscious that we are all learning together and that we are learning from each other as well as from the professor. He facilitated very good discussions and consistently challenged our thinking….He integrated his own life experience into the class to demonstrate self-knowledge as fundamentally important to good counseling and he encouraged us to do the same by providing a safe environment to do so.