Faculty & Staff

Felipe de J. Legarreta, PhD
Dr. Felipe de J. Legarreta earnt his BA in Theology at the Pontifical University of Mexico, Summa Cum Laude, and then studied Biblical Hebrew and Greek at the Pontifical Biblical Institute. He received his doctorate on New Testament and Early Christianity from Loyola University Chicago, defending his dissertation with distinction on “The Figure of Adam in Romans and 1 Corinthians. The New Creation and its Ethical and Social Reconfiguration,” published by Fortress in 2014.
His specialty is Paul’s letters and has taught Theology for more than 30 years in a wide range of topics from Bible, Systematic Theology, and Jesuit Higher Education, with an emphasis on the ethical and social implications of the Scripture and Theology.
He teaches courses on the Old and New Testaments, Christology, Ecclesiology, Christian Doctrine, Paul’s Letters, and Jesuit Traditions, on both face to face and online formats, in English and Spanish.
At the Institute of Pastoral Studies (IPS), Dr. Legarreta is the advisor for the new MA in Pastoral Studies online in Spanish (OBMAPS) with students from the East to West coast in the USA and from Latin America.
He has also published Introducción a Pablo. Romanos y Gálatas, Verbo Divino, 2018; Manual para proclamadores de la palabra, 2021 with Raul Duarte Castillo and Raul H. Lugo Rodríguez, with Emilce Cuda, “La Parresia Profética del Papa Francisco: su legado y visión para la Iglesia del s. XXI;” la Cuestión Social, IMDOSOC, Enero 2023; and several articles on pastoral with for Liturgical Training Publications.
As intrinsic part of his interest and commitment to respond to Pope Francis' call to care of the Common Home, Legarreta has presented “The Spirit at work in God’s Children and in Creation for their liberation, Romans 8,” at the 85th International Catholic Biblical Association Meeting 2023, and "El clamor de los hijos de Dios (Abba), unido al gemido y dolor de la Creación (Rom 8,1-39)," during the IV Congreso Internacional, Biblia y Ecología: Nuevas Lecturas en Un Mundo Herido, at the Universidad Pontificia Comillas; Asociación Bíblica Española; July 2023.
He is participating at the conference "La Teología en las Periferias: el Lenguaje Simbólico De La Cultura Popular,” at the CELAM, Bogotá, 26- 30 de noviembre de 2023, organized by PCAL-CELAM and CEBITEPAL.
He is currently the Faculty Scholar on Jesuit Identity 2023-2024, at the Faculty Center for Ignatian Pedagogy, and was nominated for the Alice B. Hayes Faculty Teaching Award for Advising and Mentoring, 2023.