
Training Opportunities for Graduate Students

The Wellness Center offers training opportunities to Loyola graduate students in clinical social work, counseling psychology, and clinical psychology, as well as occasional postgraduate supervision. Our focus is to help trainees enhance their clinical skills, deepen multicultural competence, foster personal growth, and develop a professional identity. Trainees develop tools for success through a wide range of clinical experiences and provision of brief treatment to a diverse student population. Our multidisciplinary team is committed to providing trainees a supportive and intellectually enriching environment that facilitates a smooth transition to their future professional development. 

Application for Social Work Internship

Eligibility: This internship program is offered to students in the Loyola Masters of Social Work program who pursue their second level field placement and have completed 480 hour first level placement.

Application process: Applicants should submit a resume and cover letter to: Guy Caprio, LCSW, gcaprio@luc.edu. Application starts in the beginning of spring semester until positions are filled. Internship runs from August through May of the following year.

Application for Counseling or Clinical Psychology Advanced externship

Eligibility: This training program is offered to students in the doctoral program in Counseling or Clinical Psychology at Loyola. Applicants should have previous graduate level practicum experience. Preference is given to those who have completed at least two years of graduate level practica or equivalent professional experience.

Application process: Applicants should submit a resume, a cover letter, three letters of recommendation, and transcript from your program to: Rodrigo Sebastián Torres, PhD, MA, rtorres14@luc.edu.  Application starts in the beginning of spring semester. Offers are made on the same day as the pre-notification day of the year set by ACEPT (Association of Chicagoland Externship and Practicum Training). Externship runs from August through May of the following year.