
Culture of Respect

Culture of Respect

Ending Campus Sexual Violence

Culture of-Respect Icon

In January 2022, Loyola University Chicago joined the sixth cohort of the National Association of Student Affairs Administrators (NASPA)’s Culture of Respect Collective. This program is dedicated to ending sexual violence on campuses across the country by guiding institutions on how to use evidence-based best practices in prevention, intervention, and policy work.

Mission and Objectives

The Collective presents an opportunity to advance important conversations around sexual violence and prevention at Loyola and build on the work we are already doing in a way that resonates with our Jesuit, Catholic identity. We look forward to the deep reflection, self-examination, and meaningful action that will stem from this important initiative and will continue to update the community on our progress.

Individualized Implementation Plan

Learn more about our Individualized Implementation Plan and the 21 objectives that will guide Loyola’s work through the fall 2023.

Survivor Support

With reporting options

  • Memorialize protocols to ensure efficiency and consistency when delivering supportive measures
  • Create and utilize new and existing visual depictions of options available to survivors
  • Create a "Meet the Advocates" webpage to introduce advocates to the community 
Cohort 6

Timeline: Phases 1 - 6

Phase 1
January - March 2022


Program launch


Campus Leadership Team (CLT) Formation

Phase 2
Spring 2022


Administer CORE Evaluation

Phase 3
Summer - Fall 2022


Develop individualized Implementation Plan (IIP)


IIP feedback, revision, and submitted update

Phase 4
Spring-Fall 2023


IIP implementation: Ongoing participation in professional development, peer-led learning, and technical assistance

Phase 5 and 6
December 2023 through Spring 2024


Re-administer CORE Evaluation and submit final IIP update


Program closeout


January 2022: Loyola joined Culture of Respect Collective.

February 2022: Campus Leadership Team (below) membership identified. Announcement sent to Loyola community (Loyola Joins Culture of Respect Collective).

March – June 2022: Campus Leadership Team completed the CORE Evaluation, to establish a baseline assessment of prevention policies, resources, and strategies currently in place and identify areas for improvement. Results submitted to NASPA June 2022.

July 2022: NASPA provided feedback and recommendations in response to CORE Evaluation.

July – November 2022: Working in subcommittees based on the six Culture of Respect pillars framework, the Campus Leadership Team drafted and submitted to NASPA an Individualized Implementation Plan (IIP) to guide Loyola’s next steps. The IIP included 21 focus areas and initiatives that serve as the foundation of our work for the spring, summer, and fall of 2023.

December 2022: NASPA provided feedback and recommendations in response to IIP.

January - March 2023: The Campus Leadership Team disbanded the subcommittees and began work on the IIP through efforts of campus partners. Update shared with Loyola community through Loyola News in March 2023.

April – June 2023: The Campus Leadership Team continued to meet monthly to report continued progress towards IIP goals. Mid-summer IIP update submitted to NASPA in June 2023.

Fall 2023: The Campus Leadership Team continued to meet monthly and progress towards IIP goals. 

December 2023: The Campus Leadership Team meets again with the commitees to complete the second and final CORE evaluation. The results of the CORE evaluation are used to mark the progress Loyola has made throughout the process. 

March 2024: The Campus Leadership Team convened to discuss the future structure of the Community Coalition on Gender Based Violence and determine how to proceed with notifying the greater Loyola community of the progress made during the Culture of Respect implementation. 


April 2024: The Campus Leadership Team will host a university wide meeting to share out accomplishments from Culture of Respect and share the plans to continue this work with the Community Coalition on Gender Based Violence. 

May 2024: Loyola News will publish a wrap up and summary of the results from Culture of Respect and the April meeting. 



Campus Leadership Team

A key component to initiative’s success is its emphasis on cross-campus collaboration. Loyola has identified a core Campus Leadership Team comprised of students, faculty and staff that will engage in a robust self-assessment process, participate in the creation of an action plan for the institution, and provide support for implementing specific initiatives. In addition to serving on the central team, each member has been assigned to a Pillar Subcommittee which is chaired by one of the Team Leads.

Team Leads

Survivor Support & Multitiered Education

Samantha Maher Sheahan Office of the Dean of Students Schoolwide Mobilization & Self-Assessment
Tim Love Office of Equity and Compliance Clear Policies & Public Disclosure
Mira Krivoshey Wellness Center Survivor Support & Multitiered Education

Student Representatives

Monica Contractor Stritch School of Medicine Multitiered Education
Merideth Gerard Student at Large Clear Policies
Julia Papineau Student at Large Survivor Support
Hannah Yun Student Government of Loyola Chicago Schoolwide Mobilization

Faculty Representatives

Elaine Moratto Parkinson School of Health Sciences and Public Health Schoolwide Mobilization
Amy Nelson Christenson Anti-Racism Initiative and School of Education Schoolwide Mobilization
Abha Rai School of Social Work Survivor Support
Loretta Stalans Criminal Justice Multitiered Education

Staff Representatives

Nika Arzoumanian Office for Equity & Compliance Self-Assessment
Astrid Beltran Diversity & Student Engagement Schoolwide Mobilization
Willie Gore Office of Student Conduct & Conflict Resolution Clear Policies
Brian Houze Office for Equity & Compliance Clear Policies
Shannon Howes Division of Student Development Self-Assessment
Emmi Infante Residential Life Multitiered Education
David Keyes Arrupe College Schoolwide Mobilization
Amber Miller Office of the Dean of Students Clear Policies
Danny Monreal Campus Safety Public Disclosure
Omer Mozaffar Campus Ministry Survivor Support
Julie Penn Office of the Dean of Students Survivor Support
Mackenzie Rotherham Professional, and Adult Student Life Schoolwide Mobilization
Emily Ramstetter University Marketing and Communication Public Disclosure
Holly Strauss-O'Brien Athletics Multitiered Education
James Thomas SDMA Public Disclosure
Ashonda Walker Office for Equity & Compliance Public Disclosure
Gabrielle Young Student Activities & Greek Affairs Multitiered Education


NASPA Culture of Respect

Culture of Respect builds the capacity of educational institutions to end sexual violence through ongoing, expansive organizational change.

Learn more

U.S. Department of Education – Office of Civil Rights

OCR enforces, among other statutes, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.

Learn more

Know Your IX

Know Your IX is a survivor- and youth-led project of Advocates for Youth that aims to empower students to end sexual and dating violence in their schools.

Learn more

End Rape on Campus

End Rape on Campus (EROC) works to end campus sexual violence through direct support for survivors and their communities; prevention through education; and policy reform at the campus, local, state, and federal levels.

Learn more


Resilience is an independent, not-for-profit organization dedicated to the healing and empowerment of sexual assault survivors through non-judgmental crisis intervention counseling, individual and group trauma therapy, and medical and legal advocacy in the greater Chicago metropolitan area

Learn more

YWCA Evanston/North Shore

YWCA Evanston/North Shore is based on the belief that all women have the right to be safe and choose the direction of their lives. Their programs address the fact that far too many women experience violence, and lack economic security, and these issues disproportionately impact women of color.

Learn more


Please share any suggestions and ideas you have. We’ve created an email address and will regularly review what has been submitted, cultureofrespect@luc.edu.

NOTE: Outreach to this email address is NOT private and is NOT an appropriate way to report violations of the Comprehensive Policy. If you wish to file a report, you may so by filling out this report form.

The Collective presents an opportunity to advance important conversations around sexual violence and prevention at Loyola and build on the work we are already doing in a way that resonates with our Jesuit, Catholic identity. We look forward to the deep reflection, self-examination, and meaningful action that will stem from this important initiative and will continue to update the community on our progress.

Learn more about our Individualized Implementation Plan and the 21 objectives that will guide Loyola’s work through the fall 2023.

January 2022: Loyola joined Culture of Respect Collective.

February 2022: Campus Leadership Team (below) membership identified. Announcement sent to Loyola community (Loyola Joins Culture of Respect Collective).

March – June 2022: Campus Leadership Team completed the CORE Evaluation, to establish a baseline assessment of prevention policies, resources, and strategies currently in place and identify areas for improvement. Results submitted to NASPA June 2022.

July 2022: NASPA provided feedback and recommendations in response to CORE Evaluation.

July – November 2022: Working in subcommittees based on the six Culture of Respect pillars framework, the Campus Leadership Team drafted and submitted to NASPA an Individualized Implementation Plan (IIP) to guide Loyola’s next steps. The IIP included 21 focus areas and initiatives that serve as the foundation of our work for the spring, summer, and fall of 2023.

December 2022: NASPA provided feedback and recommendations in response to IIP.

January - March 2023: The Campus Leadership Team disbanded the subcommittees and began work on the IIP through efforts of campus partners. Update shared with Loyola community through Loyola News in March 2023.

April – June 2023: The Campus Leadership Team continued to meet monthly to report continued progress towards IIP goals. Mid-summer IIP update submitted to NASPA in June 2023.

Fall 2023: The Campus Leadership Team continued to meet monthly and progress towards IIP goals. 

December 2023: The Campus Leadership Team meets again with the commitees to complete the second and final CORE evaluation. The results of the CORE evaluation are used to mark the progress Loyola has made throughout the process. 

March 2024: The Campus Leadership Team convened to discuss the future structure of the Community Coalition on Gender Based Violence and determine how to proceed with notifying the greater Loyola community of the progress made during the Culture of Respect implementation. 


April 2024: The Campus Leadership Team will host a university wide meeting to share out accomplishments from Culture of Respect and share the plans to continue this work with the Community Coalition on Gender Based Violence. 

May 2024: Loyola News will publish a wrap up and summary of the results from Culture of Respect and the April meeting. 



A key component to initiative’s success is its emphasis on cross-campus collaboration. Loyola has identified a core Campus Leadership Team comprised of students, faculty and staff that will engage in a robust self-assessment process, participate in the creation of an action plan for the institution, and provide support for implementing specific initiatives. In addition to serving on the central team, each member has been assigned to a Pillar Subcommittee which is chaired by one of the Team Leads.

Team Leads

Survivor Support & Multitiered Education

Samantha Maher Sheahan Office of the Dean of Students Schoolwide Mobilization & Self-Assessment
Tim Love Office of Equity and Compliance Clear Policies & Public Disclosure
Mira Krivoshey Wellness Center Survivor Support & Multitiered Education

Student Representatives

Monica Contractor Stritch School of Medicine Multitiered Education
Merideth Gerard Student at Large Clear Policies
Julia Papineau Student at Large Survivor Support
Hannah Yun Student Government of Loyola Chicago Schoolwide Mobilization

Faculty Representatives

Elaine Moratto Parkinson School of Health Sciences and Public Health Schoolwide Mobilization
Amy Nelson Christenson Anti-Racism Initiative and School of Education Schoolwide Mobilization
Abha Rai School of Social Work Survivor Support
Loretta Stalans Criminal Justice Multitiered Education

Staff Representatives

Nika Arzoumanian Office for Equity & Compliance Self-Assessment
Astrid Beltran Diversity & Student Engagement Schoolwide Mobilization
Willie Gore Office of Student Conduct & Conflict Resolution Clear Policies
Brian Houze Office for Equity & Compliance Clear Policies
Shannon Howes Division of Student Development Self-Assessment
Emmi Infante Residential Life Multitiered Education
David Keyes Arrupe College Schoolwide Mobilization
Amber Miller Office of the Dean of Students Clear Policies
Danny Monreal Campus Safety Public Disclosure
Omer Mozaffar Campus Ministry Survivor Support
Julie Penn Office of the Dean of Students Survivor Support
Mackenzie Rotherham Professional, and Adult Student Life Schoolwide Mobilization
Emily Ramstetter University Marketing and Communication Public Disclosure
Holly Strauss-O'Brien Athletics Multitiered Education
James Thomas SDMA Public Disclosure
Ashonda Walker Office for Equity & Compliance Public Disclosure
Gabrielle Young Student Activities & Greek Affairs Multitiered Education


Please share any suggestions and ideas you have. We’ve created an email address and will regularly review what has been submitted, cultureofrespect@luc.edu.

NOTE: Outreach to this email address is NOT private and is NOT an appropriate way to report violations of the Comprehensive Policy. If you wish to file a report, you may so by filling out this report form.