
Mindfulness Resources

On Campus Resources

Group Counseling: The Wellness Center has been offering mindfulness sessions to students since 2002. Led by a certified instructor, these groups provide support for new and long-term practitioners. Check out the list on our groups’ page.

Places to meditate on campus: Student recommended! Information Commons, the stacks in Cudahy library, chapel in Mundelein, Madonna della Strada Chapel, benches on lakefront.

Taize Prayer Service:  Taize Prayer is a liturgy filled with song, scripture, and silent meditation. The sanctuary is candlelit, making a space that is ready for meditative silence and song. At Madonna della Strada Chapel

Yoga classes at Halas- Classes offered throughout the year


Mindfulness Websites:

Greater Good: The Science of a Meaningful Life- Based at UC Berkeley, Greater Good reports on groundbreaking research into the roots of compassion, happiness, and altruism.

Mindful Self-Compassion: Kristi Neff: Definition, the science and practices.

Mindful Self-Compassion with Chris Germer: Practices

Ignatian Spirituality and the Daily Examen- A basic presentation of the "Daily Examen", an essential tool in Ignatian Spirituality in providing a helpful meditative technique.

Greater Good in Action Web App: Free evidence-based practices to promote greater well-being through exercises like Mindfulness Meditation, Cultivating Gratitude, Deep breathing exercises, and more!


On-Line Practices:

Brown Center for Mindfulness: Live online community mindfulness sessions

Yoga with Adriene:  Mission - connect as many people as possible through high-quality free yoga videos. We welcome all levels, all bodies, all genders, and all souls.

University of California San Diego Center for Mindfulness: Guided mindfulness and yoga practices


Research on Mindfulness

American Mindfulness Research Association: website and organization dedicated to dissemination of empirical research; excellent for finding new study results and new applications

MindRxiv: Open archive for research on mind and contemplative practices


Mindfulness Apps

Insight Timer (free)

Headspace (Annual fee of $9.99 USD)

UCLA Mindful (free)

Healthy Minds Innovations (free)

Mindfulness Coach (free) Developed by the US Dept. of Veterans Affairs but not just for veterans