
Eligibility and Fees

Students currently attending classes (full or part time) are eligible to use the services provided at the Wellness Center by paying a Student Development fee as part of your tuition. If you would like to know if you have been charged a fee, you should go into LOCUS under finances and the charge will be listed. Students who are not charged the Student Development Fee but would like to receive services must submit the Wellness Center Optional Enrollment Form

Students are welcome to use the Wellness Center to maintain or improve their health. A fee for the Wellness Center is assessed at the beginning of the Fall and Spring semesters and appears on most student's bill as part of the Student Development Fee. This covers medical assessment and short-term treatment by a staff nurse, physician, or nurse practitioner; assessment and either brief counseling with a mental health professional at the Wellness Center or assistance connecting to a community mental health provider; telephone advice from a nurse; and health education and wellness programs and resources at the Wellness Center, including unlimited group therapy visits. Some lab tests, immunizations, prescription medications, and materials are provided for an additional fee.

Click to see the list of current Wellness Center Charges

Furthermore, students are responsible for the cost of mental and physical health care services outside of Loyola's services (e.g., care in the emergency room, hospitalization, and specialist services). See Health Insurance for more information.

Appointments must be cancelled by notifying the Wellness Center at least 3 hours in advance. The Wellness Center will assess a $15 No Show fee for missed appointments.