Wellness Center

Flu Season: Get Your Flu Shot Today
Flu season is upon us! Make an appointment today for a free flu shot. Call Dial-a-Nurse at 773-508-8883 to schedule or book online.
Mental Health After Hours
If you are experiencing a mental health crisis after-hours, please call 773-508-2530, press 3.
Visit The Wellness Center On Any Of Our Campuses!
Students can make an appointment at any of our 3 Wellness Center locations: Lake Shore Campus, Water Tower Campus, or Health Sciences Campus. To schedule an appointment call Dial-a-Nurse at 773-508-8883 or book online.

The Line at Loyola: 773-494-3810
Speak confidentially to a trained advocate about sexual or relationship violence. Open during business hours and 24 hours on the weekend when school is in session.
Wellness Center Newsletter
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