Loyola University Chicago

Division of Student Development


Here are a number of resources specific to Qualtrics:

  • Qualtrics Survey Tool - LUC has an institutional license for Qualtrics. There is a section on this webpage entitled “How do I get help/support using Qualtrics” that can be helpful to use.

  • Creating Surveys in Qualtrics - recorded training for DSD staff (use LUC Single Sign On to access video). Another training video can be found here, which was created by ITRS for all university staff / faculty. 

  • Sharing and Distributing Qualtrics Surveys - recorded training for DSD staff (use LUC Single Sign On to access video)

  • The recorded trainings on Creating Surveys and Sharing and Distributing Surveys summarize multiple training videos provided by Qualtrics. When it comes to analyzing and sharing results, staff are encouraged to view the Qualtrics training videos focused on Understanding Your CoreXM Feedback, Analyzing Your CoreXM Feedback, and 

    Reporting Your CoreXM Feedback


DSD Assessment Incentives Guidelines



Here are some general resources to support our work with assessment: