Loyola University Chicago

Polish Studies

Joanna Wojdon

Title: Visiting Scholar

Specialty Areas: History of Poland after WWII, Polish-American history, methodology of teaching history

Office #:  773-508-7368

Phone #:  312-626-5784

E-mail:  jwojdon@luc.edu

Associate Professor at the Institute of History, University of Wroclaw, Poland
2014 Fulbright Fellow at Loyola University Chicago
PhD in history 1999 (University of Wroclaw)
MA in history 1994 (University of Wroclaw)

Worked as a visiting scholar at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (2010/2011) and Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (2011).
Received fellowships from the Kosciuszko Foundation (New York), Georg-Eckert Institute (Braunschweig, Germany), National Committe for Scientific Research (Poland) and the Foundation for Polish Science.

Authored two books on the history of the Polish American Congress in 1944-1968 and 1968-1988, and a monograph about the political propaganda in the primary school textbooks in the People's Poland (1944-1989) - all in Polish.

Research Interests 
History of the Polish American Ethnic group
Communist propaganda and education
Reading primers
Methodology of teaching history

Courses Taught
POST 199  Language of Propaganda in Communist Poland
POST 299

Loyola Service
Presentation: Images of Women in Reading Primers from the Soviet Bloc, March 27, 2014, Piper Hall

Service Outside Loyola
board member of the International Society for History Didactics (www.ishd.co) and managing editor of the Society's Yearbook/Jahrbuch/Annales
contributor to the "Historiana" project by Euroclio (http://historiana.eu/case-study/noble-democracy-poland-13th-18th)
working on the history of the Polish Americans after WWII