
Come, Lord Jesus, to This Place

Come, Lord Jesus, to This Place

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Come, Lord Jesus, to This Place
Donald Busarow
Text by Jaroslav Vajda

Sung on this track by the PURPLE cantor.

Come, Lord Jesus, to this place,
Cheer it, fill it with Your grace;
Guest and Friend, none more desired,
Bless the vows by You inspired.

Witness of this moment rare,
Free from sorrow, free from care;
For the years that lie ahead:
Promised joy and promised bread.

Seal the love that makes them one,
Love, their never-setting sun,
Love enough to face all fears,
Love enough to dry all tears.

As You love the Church, Your Bride,
In such love may they abide;
As Your Bride is bound to You,
Keep them faithful, Lord, and true.

Come, Lord Jesus, to This Place

Click here to listen to this track

Come, Lord Jesus, to This Place
Donald Busarow
Text by Jaroslav Vajda

Sung on this track by the PURPLE cantor.

Come, Lord Jesus, to this place,
Cheer it, fill it with Your grace;
Guest and Friend, none more desired,
Bless the vows by You inspired.

Witness of this moment rare,
Free from sorrow, free from care;
For the years that lie ahead:
Promised joy and promised bread.

Seal the love that makes them one,
Love, their never-setting sun,
Love enough to face all fears,
Love enough to dry all tears.

As You love the Church, Your Bride,
In such love may they abide;
As Your Bride is bound to You,
Keep them faithful, Lord, and true.