Eat This Bread
Eat This Bread
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Eat this Bread Sung on this track by the LIME cantor. Refrain: Verse 1: Verse 2: Verse 3: Verse 4: Verse 5: TEXT: JOHN 6; ADAPT. BY ROBERT J. BATASTINI, B.1942, AND THE TAIZÉ COMMUNITY, © 1984, LES PRESSES DE TAIZÉ, GIA PUBLICATIONS, INC., AGENT |
Eat This Bread
![]() Click here to listen to this track |
Eat this Bread Sung on this track by the LIME cantor. Refrain: Verse 1: Verse 2: Verse 3: Verse 4: Verse 5: TEXT: JOHN 6; ADAPT. BY ROBERT J. BATASTINI, B.1942, AND THE TAIZÉ COMMUNITY, © 1984, LES PRESSES DE TAIZÉ, GIA PUBLICATIONS, INC., AGENT |