
I Received the Living God

I Received the Living God

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I Received the Living God

Sung on this track by the RED cantor with optional violin.

I received the living God, and my heart is full of joy.
I received the living God, and my heart is full of joy.

Verse 1:
Jesus said: I am the Bread
Kneaded long to give you life;
You who will partake of me
Need not ever fear to die.

Verse 2:
Jesus said: I am the Way,
And my Father longs for you;
So I come to bring you home
To be one with him anew.

Verse 3:
Jesus said: I am the Truth;
If you follow close to me,
You will know me in your heart,
And my word shall make you free.

Verse 4:
Jesus said: I am the Life
Far from whom no thing can grow,
But receive this living bread,
And my Spirit you shall know.

I Received the Living God

Click here to listen to this track

I Received the Living God

Sung on this track by the RED cantor with optional violin.

I received the living God, and my heart is full of joy.
I received the living God, and my heart is full of joy.

Verse 1:
Jesus said: I am the Bread
Kneaded long to give you life;
You who will partake of me
Need not ever fear to die.

Verse 2:
Jesus said: I am the Way,
And my Father longs for you;
So I come to bring you home
To be one with him anew.

Verse 3:
Jesus said: I am the Truth;
If you follow close to me,
You will know me in your heart,
And my word shall make you free.

Verse 4:
Jesus said: I am the Life
Far from whom no thing can grow,
But receive this living bread,
And my Spirit you shall know.