
Faculty and Staff

Teachers and thought leaders. Allies and advocates. Our faculty and staff support the social work profession moving forward through education, scholarship, and service. 

James Marley, PhD

Interim Dean, School of Social Work

Priscila R. Freire, PhD

Interim Associate Dean for Academics; Clinical Assistant Professor

Michael P. Dentato, PhD

Associate Dean for Research; Professor; Co-Director: Center for Field Innovation, Research, Strategy, and Training (C-FIRST)

Stephanie Chapman

Assistant Dean for Administration

Amy Greenberg, LCSW, MA.Ed

Assistant Dean for Students Affairs

Christie Mason, PhD, LCSW, RPT-S, NMT Level II

Clinical Associate Professor

Jeanne Sokolec, Ed.D., LCSW

BSW Director, Clinical Associate Professor

Terry B Northcut, PhD

Professor, Lucian and Carol Welch Matusak Endowed Professor

Maria S. Wolfe, MS, MOT

Director of Online Learning, SSW

Thomas Vloedman

Business Manager

Diana Franco, DSW, LCSW-R

Clinical Assistant Professor

Rana Hong, PhD, LCSW, RPT-S

Assistant Dean for MSW Programs Research Assistant Professor

Brian L. Kelly, PhD

Associate Professor

Caleb Kim, Ph.D., MSW, MDiv.

Associate Professor


Maribel Lopez

Clinical Assistant Professor

Malcome, Marion, Ph.D., LCSW

Assistant Professor

Ivan Medina

Clinical Instructor

John Orwat, PhD


Nathan H. Perkins, PhD

Assistant Professor

Kate Phillippo, PhD, LCSW

Professor, Schools of Social Work and Education (Joint Appointment)

Julia Pryce, PhD


Abha Rai, Ph.D., MSW

Associate Director, Center for Immigrant and Refugee Accompaniment

Guillermo Sanhueza, PhD, MSW

Assistant Professor


Shirley R. Simon

Associate Professor

Shweta Singh, Ph.D.

Associate Professor & Author: The Making of Indian Woman Hood - Red Chilli Pickle and Moonlit Terraces and Hindi Poetry Mohabbat Mein Mae Se Maa Tak.

Maria Vidal de Haymes, PhD

Professor Director, Center for Immigrant & Refugee Accompaniment (CIRA)

Maria V. Wathen, PhD

Associate Professor

Marcy Wilroy, DSW

Clinical Assistant Professor CADC Director

Terri Kilbane, PhD

Associate Professor

Marta Lundy, PhD


Doris Allen

Office Assistant

Jennifer Bernecker, MEd

Assistant Director for Academic Advising

Mini Datta, MSW

Assistant Director of Internships & Career Services

Jodi Goode JD, MEd.

Academic Advisor


Caroline Gosselin

Manager, Extension Education


Sandy Peterson

Internship Coordinator, Advanced Standing MSW Students

Richard L. Renfro

Director of Loyola Community and Family Services

Teachers and thought leaders. Allies and advocates. Our faculty and staff support the social work profession moving forward through education, scholarship, and service. 

Teachers and thought leaders. Allies and advocates. Our faculty and staff support the social work profession moving forward through education, scholarship, and service. 

Teachers and thought leaders. Allies and advocates. Our faculty and staff support the social work profession moving forward through education, scholarship, and service.