Terry B Northcut, PhD
Professor, Lucian and Carol Welch Matusak Endowed Professor
Ph.D. in Clinical Social Work, Smith College
MSW in Social Work, University of Tennessee
BA in Psychology and Sociology, Union University
Dr. Terry B. Northcut teaches in the MSW and PhD programs on social work pedagogy, religion and spirituality in clinical social work, and bridging psychodynamic and cognitive-behavioral therapy. Dr. Northcut has also taught at the University of Tennessee, University of Southern California, Smith College, and Gondar University in Ethiopia. She has published extensively in teaching, religion, and spirituality, integrating psychodynamic and CBT, and social work in Ethiopia. Dr. Northcut will serve as the Faculty Facilitator for the Loyola Graduate School Teaching Effectiveness Seminar 2024-2025 overseeing the mentoring of new instructors. She also serves as the coordinator of the Supervision Training and Education Program (STEP) in collaboration with the Social Work Practice Fellows Program (SWPF) at Adelphi University. In addition, she is collaborating with interdisciplinary colleagues to better prepare nontraditional PhD applicants to apply for and succeed in doctoral education through the Pathways to PhD program. A critical component of this programming is incorporating culturally aware mentoring training for faculty to better mentor diverse students. Dr. Northcut continues to practice, supervise, and consult as a licensed clinical social worker in Chicago as well as Coordinate the Institute for Advanced Psychotherapy in the SSW.
Program Areas
Practice and HBSE
Research Interests
Doctoral Education; Mentoring and Supervision; Integration of Psychodynamic Theory and CBT practices; Religion and Spirituality in Clinical Social Work and Psychotherapy; Mental Health in Ethiopia; Development of Clinical Social Workers in the United States and Ethiopia; Teaching in Clinical Social Work
Professional/Community Affiliations
- National Association of Social Workers (NASW)
- Council on Social Work Education (CSWE)
- American Association of Psychoanalytic Clinical Social Workers (AAPCSW)
Courses Taught
- Religion and Spirituality in Clinical Social Work
- Bridging Psychodynamic Theory and CBT
- Doctoral level Social Work Pedagogy
Teaching appointment:
- University of Gondar, Ethiopia (Fall 2018).
Publications/Research Listings
Books & Editorships
- Northcut, T. B. (2017). Mindfulness in clinical social work practice. New York, NY: Springer Publishing, author and editor.
- Northcut, T. B. (deadline, Fall 2018). Bridging psychodynamic theory and cognitive behavioral practice. Chicago, IL: Lyceum Books.
- Northcut, T. B. & Strauss, R. (Eds.). (2014). Guest editors of Special Issue. Integrating mind/body in clinical social work. Clinical Social Work Journal, 42(3), September
- Northcut, T.B. & Heller, N. R. (1999). Enhancing psychodynamic practice with cognitive-behavioral techniques. New York, NY: Jason Aronson.
Books/Special Publications
- Northcut, T. B. (2017). Mindfulness in clinical social work practice. New York, NY: Springer Publishing
- Northcut, T. B. & Strauss, R. (Eds.). (2014). Guest editors of Special Issue. Integrating mind/body in clinical social work. Clinical Social Work Journal, 42(3), September
- Northcut, T.B. & Heller, N. R. (1999). Enhancing psychodynamic practice with cognitive-behavioral techniques. New York, NY: Jason Aronson.
Book Chapters
- Northcut, T., Heller, N. & Kumaria, S. (2016). Integrating psychodynamic theory and practice with cognitive-behavioral interventions. In J. Berzoff, L. Flanagan, & P. Hertz (Eds.). Inside out and outside in (4th ed.). Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield.
- Northcut, T. & Heller, N. (2015). Depression: Integration of psychodynamic and cognitive-behavioral practices. In K. Corcoran & A. Roberts (eds.). Social Workers’ Desk Reference (pages of chapter). (3rd ed.). 594-600. New York, NY: Oxford University.
Selected Refereed Articles
Northcut, T. & Lee, S. (in press). Eco-spiritual Approach for the Advancement of Social Work: A Concept and Practice of 'Interconnectedness' in Won Buddhism. Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Social Work: Special Issue – Ecospirituality
Northcut, T., Getachew, A., Kebede, E., Zenbe, K. & Alemie, A. (2020). Clinical Social Work in Ethiopia: A Field Study in Gondar. Clin Soc Work J (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10615-020- 00757-w
Hong, R., Northcut, T., Spira, M., & Hong, P.Y.P. (2019). Facilitating transformation in workforce training: Utilizing clinical theory to understand psychological self-sufficiency. Smith College Studies in Social Work, 89, 66-82.
Wodaje, B., Zenebe, K., Terefe, Y., & Northcut, T. B. (2019). Assessment of Challenges and Prospects of Women Petty Traders: A Survey Study in Harar, Jigjiga, and Dire Dawa, Ethiopia. Social Development.
Northcut, T. & Hailu, D. (Fall, 2016) Emerging Issues and Challenges in Psychosocial Support for Children and their Families: Implications for Social Work in Ethiopia. International Journal of Children’s Rights.
Kronner, H. & Northcut, T. (2015). “Listening to both sides of the therapeutic dyad: Self-disclosure of gay male therapists and reflections from their gay male clients.” Psychoanalytic Social Work Journal.
Northcut, T. & Kienow, A. (2014). Trauma trifecta of military sexual trauma: A case study including mind and body in clinical social work treatment with a survivor of MST. T. Northcut & R. Strauss (Eds.), Special Issue: Integrating Mind and Body in Clinical Social Work. Clinical Social Work Journal. 42(3), 247-259.
Grant Awards:
- READI Innovation Award, Office of Institutional Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Loyola University Chicago (2024-2025) Pathways to Ph.D. Program: Improved Mentoring of Faculty and Staff in Working with Diverse Students and Colleagues. Amount funded $31,312.00
- Healthcare Foundation Northern Lake County (HFNLC) (December 2023-November 2024) Increasing Mental Health Impact in Northern Lake County through Social Work Supervisor Training. Amount funded $45,892
- Children Rights and African Youth Fellowship (2011). Center for Human Rights of Children, Loyola University. Award: $15,000
- Social Worker of the Year, 2014, Northeastern Division Illinois, NASW
- Loyola University Chicago, School of Social Work, Professor Recognition Award, May 2000