
Maria Vidal de Haymes, PhD

Professor Director, Center for Immigrant & Refugee Accompaniment (CIRA)

Director of the Practice in Social Work Migration Studies Sub-Specialization



Dr. Vidal de Haymes received her Masters Degree from the University of Chicago in 1987 and her Ph.D. from Ohio State University in 1991. She joined the faculty of the Loyola University Chicago in 1992. She is a Professor in the School of Social Work and directs the Migration Studies Sub-specialization and coordinates a migration-focused international social service exchange between Loyola University, Universidad Iberoamericana-Mexico City, Jesuit Migrant Services of Mexico, and Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago. Dr. Vidal de Haymes teaches courses in the areas of social welfare policy and migration studies. She has been the PI on a number of federal and international grants and authored publications concerning migration, poverty and inequality, child welfare, and social work education. Dr. Vidal de Haymes’ service includes co-editorship of the Journal of Poverty and service on the Board of Advisors for Catholic Charities of the Archdioceses of Chicago and the Council on Social Work Education Minority Doctoral Fellowship Program board. She is the 2016 recipient of the Partners in Advancing Education for International Social Work (PIE) Award of the Commission on Global Social Work Education, the 2017 Loyola University Chicago Faculty Member of the Year, and received the Distinguished Board Member recognition for Catholic Charities of the Archdioceses of Chicago 2017 Centennial.

Professional/Community Affiliations

Co-Editor, Journal of Poverty: Innovations on Social, Political & Economic Inequalities. 1996 to present.

Member, The Council on Social Work Education Mental Health/Substance Abuse Clinical Doctoral Fellowship Program Advisory Board.  September 2001 to present.

Member, Red Jesuita con Migrantes – Servicio Jesuita a Migrantes Mexico y Centro America y Norte America,  Dimensión Investigativo-Teórica. 2005 to present.

Member, Board of Advisors of Catholic Charities of Archdiocese of Chicago, 2008 to Present.

Publications/Research Listings

Recent Faculty Scholarship:

  • Haymes, S; Vidal de Haymes, M. and Miller, R. (eds) (2015) Routledge Handbook on Poverty in the United States. London: Routledge Press.
  • Hilado A.; Young Hong, P.; Vidal de Haymes , Marta Lundy. (2016). “Social support, acculturation, and financial stability among Mexican economic migrants.” In Migrant Workers, Qingwen,Xu (Ed.) Nova Science Publisher.
  • Haymes, S; Vidal de Haymes, M. and Miller, R. (eds) (2015) Routledge Handbook on Poverty in the United States. London: Routledge Press.
  • Martone, J; Zimmerman, D.; Vidal de Haymes, M. and L. Lorentzen. (2014) “Immigrant Integration through mediating social institutions: Issues and strategies.”
  • Journal of Community Practice (22) 3: 299-323.
  • Olayo-Mendez, A., Haymes. S. and M. Vidal de Haymes. (2014). Mexican Migration Corridor Hospitality. Peace Review (26) 2: 209-217.

Recent Faculty Grants:

  • Vidal de Haymes, Maria (PI). (September 30, 2016 –October 15, 2017,  September 30, 2015 - September 29, 2016) Ecological Model for Parent Engagement Southwest Organizing Project.
  • Orwat, John (PI) and Vidal de Haymes, M. (Co-PI). (September 30, 2014 – September 29, 2017). Interprofessional Practice with At-Risk Youth (IPRY) Training Project. Funding Awarded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Health Resources and Services Administration.
  • Vidal de Haymes, (PI) (March 1, 2014-October 30, 2014) Illinois Welcoming Center Evaluation Project. Funding Awarded by the Illinois Latino Family Commission.
  • Vidal de Haymes, (June1, 2013 - May 31, 2015) Walking Together in Faith and Solidarity: The Pastoral Challenges and Responses of the Catholic Church to North American Migration.  Funding Awarded by the Louisville Institute.
  • Vidal de Haymes, Maria (September 1, 2014- August 30, 2015) . Migration Studies Initiatives to Promote Curricular Development and a North American Community. Funding Awarded by the U.S. Department of Education.
  • Vidal de Haymes, Maria (September 1, 2010- August 30, 2014) . Migration Studies Initiatives to Promote Curricular Development and a North American Community. Funding Awarded by the U.S. Department of Education.
  • Vidal de Haymes, Maria (March 1, 2010-March 31, 2012).  Analysis of a Transnational Field Placement: U.S./Mexico.  Funding awarded by Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago.
  • Vidal de Haymes, Maria. (September 2008-October 2010). “Families in Transition: A Study of the Impact of Cross-National Relocation on Mexican Family Well-Being”. Funded by the Lois and Samuel Silberman Fund Faculty Grant Program.


  • Loyola University Chicago, Faculty Member of the Year, 2017.
  • Catholic Charities of Chicago, Distinguished Board Member. 2017.
  • Council on Social Work Education Commission on Global Social Work Education in Advancing Education for International Social Work Award, 2016.
  • Transformative Educator Award, Loyola University Department of Student Diversity and Multicultural Affairs. 2013
  •  Alpha Sigma Nu, Honorary Inductee, Loyola University, 2011