Marta Lundy, PhD
B.S. Library Science, North Texas State University, Denton, TX
M.A., Social Work, School of Social Service Administration, University of Chicago
Ph.D., Social Work, School of Social Service Administration, University of Chicago
1984-1986 Certificate in Family Therapy, Family Institute, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.
Program Areas
Individuals & Families #503 & #504
Clinical Social Work Practice with Family Violence #631
Clinical Social Work Practice with Immigrants and Refugees #731 (part of the Migration Institute )
Social Work Practice with Families #612
Doctoral Seminar in Teaching #828
International Experience
I have been teaching the practice course in the Migration Studies Program since its inception. I will be offering the course, Clinical Social Work Practice with Immigrants and Refugees #731, in Mexico City, Mexico, May 9 - 17, 2012.
Research Interests
Current Research Projects
DV Shelters
I'm working with interested students, analyzing and writing on qualitative data from interviews conducted at 4 different Metropolitan Chicago Domestic Violence Shelters. This research project was conducted with Drs. S. F. Grossman and C. George.
Mexican Immigrants
I'm working with students and colleagues on analysis and writing about quantitative and qualitative data collected from research projects with Mexican immigrants. This research project was conducted with Drs. Vidal de Haymes, Singh, and Hong
Research Interests
Domestic Violence
Intrafamilial violence and trauma
Immigrants and domestic violence, specifically Mexican immigrants
Multi-systemic, multi-theoretical clinical social work practice
Publications/Research Listings
Recent Faculty Scholarship:
Lundy, M., & Grossman, S. F. (2011 in press). Trends in the Emotional and Physical Abuse of Women Survivors: Data Analysis Across Eight Years of Data (1998-2005). Violence and Victims.
Singh, S., Lundy, M., & Vidal, M. (2011 forthcoming). Mexican Immigrant Families: Relating trauma and family cohesion. Journal of Poverty.
Lundy, M., Vidal, M., & Perez, V., (2010). Border Crossings: Central American Migrants’ Perilous Journey of Hope. In Migration and Social Institutions, Migration Affairs Program, Iberoamericana University, Mexico City, MX. This chapter has been translated into Spanish for the book, and the title is :Cruzando fronteras: un arriesgado viaje de esperanza para los migrantes centroamericanos. Migracion e Instituciones Sociales.
George, C., Lundy, M., & Grossman, S. F. (2010). Female Survivors of Interpersonal Violence: Pathways to Change. In Violence and Abuse in Society: Across Time and Nations, vol 3 of 4: Conditions, Characteristics, and Consequence.
Grossman, S. F., Lundy, M., George, C. C., & Crabtree-Nelson, S. (2010). Shelter and service receipt for victims of domestic violence in Illinois. Journal of Interpersonal Violence 30, 1-17. Grossman, S.F, Lundy, M., Tomas-Tolintino, G., Bertrand, C., Ortiz, C., & Retzma, K. (2009). Service patterns of adult survivors of childhood versus adult sexual assault/abuse. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse 18(6), 655-672.
Lundy, M., & Grossman, S. F. (2008, forthcoming). Domestic Violence Service Users: A Comparison of Older and Younger Women Victims. Journal of Family Violence.
Lundy, M., & Grossman, S. F. (2008). Mexican Immigrant Families in the United States: Strengths, Challenges and Needs. Trabajando Social.
Grossman, S. F., & Lundy, M. (2008). Double jeopardy: A comparison of disabled and non-disabled victims of sexual assault and/or sexual abuse. Journal of Social Work and Rehabilitation.
Lundy, M.. (2008). An Integrative Model for Practice: a Multisystemic, Multitheoretical Conceptualization for Social Work Practice. Families in Society 89(3), 394-406.
Grossman, S. F. & Lundy, M. (2007). Domestic Violence Across Race and Ethnicity: Implications for Practice and Policy. Violence Against Women. 13, 1029 - 1052
Recent Faculty Grants:
Graduate School, Internal Grant. Community Health Agencies Researching Mental Health Services (CHARMS). (with Drs. George, Richards, & Andresen).
2008: Graduate School, Internal Grant. The Mexican Immigrant Family: An In-depth exploration of the Differential Impact of Social, Economic, Structural and Gender components on the Immigrant Mexican Family System.
2008: Loyola University Chicago, Office of Research Services. “Border Crossings:Mexican and Central American Migrants in Transit Through Mexico.” Co-Principal Investigator. (with Dr. M. Vidal).