Loyola University Chicago

Student Accessibility Center

Student Academic Services

Sakai Accessibility

This page includes links to documentation on how to use the tools available in Sakai to create accessible content. The rich-text editor in Sakai includes an accessibility checker. Visit Check your Sakai Content for Accessibility for detailed instructions. For more information on creating accessible online courses, visit the Accessibility Guidelines main page.

Structure your text

The following items are direct links to instructions on formatting text in Sakai in a manner that is accessible:

Design accessible tables

Visit Making Tables Accessible for instructions on how to create an accessible table within Sakai.

Provide alternative text for images

The following items are direct links to instructions on how to add alternative text to a new image or an existing image:

Write meaningful link text

The following items are direct links to instructions on how to create unique and descriptive link text in the Sakai rich-text editor:

Provide appropriate contrast between text and background color

Visit How can choices in background and text color affect accessibility? for instructions on creating an appropriate contrast between text and background colors in Sakai.

Upload transcripts to Sakai

The following items are direct links that detail how to upload a transcript to Sakai and link to the transcript from the Lessons tool: