Graduate Interdisciplinary Research Symposium

Six graduate students in the M.S. Applied Statistics Program partcipated in the Interdisciplinary Research Symposium. Five of those six prepared poster presentations for the event. The other student wrote a paper and won an award for Best Quantitative Paper Presentation Award.
Two graduate students in the M.S. Mathematics Program gave presentations in theorectial methods.
To see the full schedule, click here: Interdisciplinary Graduate Research Symposium
Poster: Hannah Butler (mentor: Swarnali Banerjee), “Dimension Reduction Algorithms in Triple Negative Breast Cancer Data”
Poster: Kajal Chokshi (mentor: Greg Matthews), “Shape Analysis: Applications in Taxonomic Classification of Teeth”
Poster: Joy Lee (mentor: Greg Matthews), “Between Raking and Post Stratification: Partial Raking”
Cuong Pham prepared a lecture with support from his mentor, Tim O’Brien. His talk was titled, “Assessing Effects of HAART on HIV Patients Using Linear Mixed Effects Models.” Here is pictured shaking the hands of Dean of the Graduate School, Thomas J. Regan, S.J., PhD, after accepting the honor of REM Awardee.
Meng Xie prepared a poster presentation titled “A Computable Phenotype for Opioid Misuse Using Electronic Health Record Data Among Hospitalized Patients.”
Haiting You prepared a poster presentation with support from her mentor, Tim O’Brien. Her poster presentation was titled “Housing Price Prediction with Machine Learning Algorithms.”
Alen Golpashin gave a presentation titled "Stochastic Optimal Control in Spacecraft Attitude Control Applications." Unfortunately, he had to leave before the awards ceremony so we were not able to capture any photos of him at the event.
Gabriel Ngwe gave a presentation titled "Soft Decoding of Error-Correcting Codes." Here he is pictured viewing his colleagues poster presentation.
To see more photos from the event, follow this link. We would appreciate it if you would like us on Facebook to stay up to date on all things math related :)