Mathematics and Statistics
Mathematics and Statistics
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics offers a wide variety of undergraduate and graduate degree programs designed for students with diverse career or higher educational goals. The faculty assists students achieve these goals with up-to-date courses, seminars, and research or internship projects. Our faculty members maintain highly productive research programs which regularly result in publications in leading journals and academic presses. Much of the faculty research is supported by external agencies. The faculty is also actively engaged in modernizing our elementary course offerings both in content and in the use of technology.
News & Stories

Math and Stats Student Spotlight
The Academic Success Initiatives Committee would like to highlight the exceptional students in our Math and Stats programs. This week we spotlight our first two students Elliot Dong and Tiffany Cha. Check back here for regular updates and additional spotlights!
Pi Day Celebration
Join us this Pi Day (March 14) for a friendly competition of reciting the digits of pi. Winner can pie a professor! Pie and refreshments will be provided. Click to learn more!
Department of Mathematics and Statistics Colloquium (Mar 20)
Join the Math & Stat Department for our Colloquium on Thursday, March 20, which will feature a talk by Dr. Kiegan Rice (NORC at the University of Chicago). Her topic will be "Testing data visualization design principles in a survey of U.S. adults". Refreshments to be served before the talk!
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Analysis Seminar
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Math and Stats Teaching Seminar
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