Loyola University Chicago

Department of History


History Department Award Winners

The History Department congratulates its students on an outstanding year! 

Undergraduate Awards:  

Paul S. Leitz Award for Outstanding History Scholarship: Alexa Lindsley

Undergraduate Essay Contest

First Place: Noah Beissel, "Locke, Racialized Chattel Slavery, and the Problem of Mercantile Freedom: Identifying the Source of Locke’s Contradictory Involvements with Atlantic Slavery”

Second Place: Margaret Miller, “Museum Wars: Politicizing the American Past under Ronald Reagan”

Third Place: Sarah Carrillo, “Dueling Identities: Religiosity and Theater in Early Modern Clerkenwell”

History Blogging Contest

First Place: Matthew Racchini, "Ramonat Reflections

Second Place: Bianca Barcenas, "Mapping Catholics with the Jesuit Libraries Provenance Project

Graduate Awards 

McCluggage Award: 

Marie Pellissier, “Crossing Many Borders: Joseph Brant, John Norton, and the Iroquois in Upper Canada, 1783-1810”


Kelly Schmidt, “’Without Slaves and Without Assassins:’ Transnational Jesuits and the Challenge of Race and Slavery in Antebellum Cincinnati”. 

Congratulations to all of our award winners!