
2024 Catholic Imagination Conference

2024 Catholic Imagination Conference

Ever Ancient, Ever New

On Catholic Imagination

October 31 - November 2, 2024

University of Notre Dame

South Bend, Indiana


The Biennial Catholic Imagination Conference is joining forces with the deNicola Center for Ethics and Culture's Fall Conference. This year's conference is called Ever Ancient, Ever New: On Catholic Imagination.  

Men and women of faith continue to draw on the wisdom, wonder, and beauty of the evergreen Catholic tradition to inform a particular mode of understanding and engaging with the world around them. Inspired by a sacramental vision of reality, the Catholic arts in particular grapple with the mystery and meaning that permeate the created order, giving shape and expression to the transcendent.

At its 24th annual Fall Conference, the de Nicola Center for Ethics and Culture will consider the idea of the Catholic imagination, its enduring and inexhaustible nature, and how it continues to illumine our modern world. With a particular focus on the literary arts, this conference will explore unique expressions of the Catholic imagination in more than 150 presentations, performances, and discussions across the disciplines, including philosophy, theology, ethics, law, history, and the natural and social sciences, as well as the creative domains of film, music, theater, and the visual arts.

For this year’s Fall Conference, the de Nicola Center is pleased to partner with the Biennial Catholic Imagination Conference, which aims to enhance the understanding and appreciation of the richness and variety of contributions by Catholic artists; to explore the critical and theoretical foundations of the Catholic imagination; and to foster community and collaboration among writers and readers who share a knowledge of and respect for the Catholic tradition.

To submit a proposal for a paper, panel or performance, please visit this webpage:


This event is open to the public and all are welcome! Stay tuned for registration information!