Catholic Thought, Citizenship, and the Common Good
An evening with Marco Impagliazzo. “Religions: Leading the Way towards a Peaceful World”
October 19, 2023
The Hank Center and the Jesuit Community were delighted to welcome Marco Impagliazzo, President of the Community of Sant’Egidio, for an evening of insight and conversation. Founded just after Vatican II, Sant’Egidio is a Christian community that pays close attention to the periphery and peripheral people– gathering men and women of all ages and conditions, uniting all by a fraternal tie through the listening of the Gospel, and a practicing voluntary commitment with (and for) the poor so as to engender peace. Sant’Egidio has become a network of communities in more than 70 countries of the world. Pope Francis asked Cardinal Matteo Zuppi, a longtime member of the Community of Sant’Egidio, to lead his mission for peace in Ukraine. Dr. Impagliazzo, a professor of History at University of Roma Tre, has been instrumental in this work, and has served the church in the living out of the Gospel in three different pontificates.
Against Free Market Economics: Lecture and Luncheon with Dr. Tony Annett
Video Available
October 12, 2023
Free markets are good at producing wealth but fall quite short in engendering justice or well-being. On the other hand, Catholic social teaching– and the economic theories attached to the Catholic intellectual tradition–offer a more balanced view of market economies and who markets are meant to serve. Resisting free market ideology, Catholic social teaching emphasizes how the common good must take precedence in economic life. Anthony Annett, author of “Cathonomics: How Catholic Tradition Can Create a More Just Economy” explored the insights of this tradition in light of current debates.
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM CDT, Beane Hall, Lewis Towers, WTC.
Remembering Pope Benedict
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, a leading theologian of the 20th century and the first pope to resign from office in nearly 600 years, died on December 31st at the age of 95. The Hank Center has compiled some of the remembrances of Pope Benedict which focus not only on his life, but also his legacy.
Welcome and Protect: Jesuit Refugee Service's Response to the Ukraine Crisis
February 9, 2023
4:00-5:00 PM CDT
McCormick Lounge, Coffey Hall, LSC.
Staff member, Diana Haidemak, a legal counselor for JRS Romania, visited Loyola to discuss the expansive work that JRS is leading in response to the Ukraine crisis.
This event was in-person and will be livestreamed. It was free & open to the public.
Video Available| Election Round-Up: Results, Reflection, Renewal
With Molly Andolina, Amanda Bryan, Miguel Diaz, Steven P. Millies, and Bernard Prusak.
November 5, 2020, 7:00 - 8:30 PM
Catholic Vote 2020: How Will Faith be a Factor?
October 28, 2020, 7:00 - 8:30 PM
Fratelli Tutti: A Conversation Addressing Pope Francis’s New Encyclical on Human Solidarity and its Socio-Political Implications for the United States
October 16, 2020, 12:00 - 1:30 PM
During this time when our nation experiences an unprecedented health and socio-political crisis, a nationally recognized panel of voices explored the teaching of this encyclical on human solidarity and draw some concrete implications for this pivotal moment in our nation’s history. With M. Shawn Copeland, John Gehring, Carmen Nanko-Fernández, and Bishop John Stowe, OFM Conv.This event is free and open to the public. Registration Required.
Election 2020: "There is no Catholic Vote--and, it's Important"
September 17, 2020, 4:00 PM
Resources on Catholics and Voting
Articles on the "Catholic vote" and reflections for Catholics seeking to vote their conscience this and every election season.
Stephen Colbert and Being Catholic in the Public Square, with Stephanie Brehm
March 11, 2020, 4:00 - 5:30 PM
IC 4th floor, LSC
Stephanie N. Brehm of Northwestern University discussed her new book: America’s Most Famous Catholic (According to Himself): Stephen Colbert and American Religion in the Twenty-First Century. This event was free and open to the public.
The Global 1968 Symposium: Days of Past Present
The Hank Center was proud to present its anticipated Global 1968 Symposium, a three-day event that surveyed the tumultuous confluence of events that took place that year.
The 2018 Cardinal Bernardin Common Cause Lecture
In honor of Cardinal Bernardin's legacy, Bishop Robert McElroy outlined resources for forming an astute political imagination in a time of cultural crisis. How might a Catholic imagination amplify a national moral aspiration founded in justice, freedom, and solidarity?
1968 Series Part I: The Legacy of Humanae Vitae & What It Means to Be "Pro-Life"
This symposium featured presentations and discussions on the legacy of the papal encyclical, fifty years after its promulgation.
G. K. Chesterton: Prophetic Voice in the Public Square
Fr. Ian Boyd, distinguished professor of Catholic Studies at Seton Hall University, was invited to offer his insights about the contemporary relevance and prophetic nature of Chesterton's prolific writings.
Faith and Public Life: The Church in the Americas
The John Courtney Murray, SJ University Chair in Public Service brought the former US Ambassador to the Organization of American States (OAS) - Carmen Lomellin - to LUC to discuss the role(s) of the Church in the Americas as part of JCM Chair's Faith in Public Life Series.
Pope Francis' Moral Message: Care for the Earth, Care for the Poor, and Our Environmental Responsibility
In conjunction with Loyola’s Public Interest Law Society and the Catholic Lawyers Guild of Chicago, the Hank Center is proud to have co-sponsored this address by Chancellor Garanzini and the accompanying panel discussion hosted by Loyola University Chicago's School of Law.
The Racial Divide in the United States
A symposium with guest speaker Most Rev. Edward Braxton, Bishop of Belleville, IL
Caring for Our Common Home: Conversations on Ecology & Justice
On September 9, 2015, Loyola University Chicago responded to and reflected upon Pope Francis's recent environmental encyclical Laudato Si in a day-long series of events.
Spirituality in the Public Square
Kerry Weber—Managing Editor of America Magazine and author of Mercy in the City: How to Feed the Hungry, Give Drink to the Thirsty, Visit the Imprisoned, and Keep Your Day Job—spoke at the Catholic Minds, Catholic Matters lecture series during the fall of 2014 on spirituality in the public square.
Citizenship, Public Service, and the Common Good
A two-day symposium on migration, U.S. gun culture, global security, Illinois state politics, and the role of faith in public life.
The challenges of Global Jesuit Education: Responses to Poverty and displacement
Symposium with Prof. David Hollenbach, S.J., University Chair in Human Rights and International Justice and Director of The Center for Human Rights and International Justice at Boston College. Wednesday, November 13, 2013. 3:30pm - 5:30pm. Damen Student Center MPR-South.
Publication Colloquium: Democracy, Culture, Catholicism & the Transnational Impact of Jesuit Higher Education
In the fall of 2015, Fordham University Press published a collection of essays titled Democracy, Culture, Catholicism: Voices from Four Continents. We hosted a discussion of this publication, and its impact on the transnational community of Jesuit institutes of higher education.
Sanctuary and Sustenance: Syria and the Plight of Refugees
Throughout Spring 2014, a team of Chicago based partners hosted a series of events across the city looking at the current political situation and humanitarian crisis in Syria through the eyes of displaced and refugee civilians. Loyola's Hank Center for the Catholic Intellectual Heritage took part in this series with a symposium.