Loyola University Chicago

Department of Anthropology


Dr. Nichols Presents at Chicago Digital Humanities Colloquium

Judy Coyne and Dr. Catherine Nichols at DHSC 2018

Catherine Nichols and June Coyne (PhD candidate, History) shared their collaborative work titled "Decolonizing the Archive: The May Weber Collection in a Digital World" at the 2018 Chicago Colloquium on Digital Humanities and Computer Science, held November 9-11 at Loyola's Water Tower Campus.

The DHCS colloquium brings together researchers, scholars, librarians, and technologists in the humanities and computer science to examine the current state of digital humanities as a field of intellectual inquiry and to identify and explore new directions and perspectives for future research. More information on the colloquium and this year's presentations is available here: http://ctsdh.org/dhcs2018/.