Loyola University Chicago

Department of Anthropology


Anthro Students Receive LUROP Awards for 2016-17

Five Anthropology students have received Undergraduate Research (LUROP) (Loyola Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program) awards for the coming academic year.

Amanda Sorensen, a rising senior Anthropology major, has been awarded a Provost Fellowship for her research project: "Visitors as meaning-makers on human evolution at the Field Museum’s Evolving Planet exhibit”. Amanda will work with research mentor Dr. Catherine Nichols as she completes her project.

Evan Chwa, an Anthropology minor, was awarded a Mulcahy Scholarship for this upcoming academic year. He will be working with Dr. Kristin Krueger on an experimental dental microwear project to better understand how microwear textures form with known diets, with implications for early hominin paleoecology.

Mia LaRocca, a rising Junior in Anthropology, has won a Social Justice Research Award.

Karina Fierro, a Senior majoring in Anthropology, has also won a Social Justice Research Award.

Karishma Bali has received a Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Award.