Loyola University Chicago

Department of Anthropology


Anthropology Celebration and Student Awards

This year's Anthropology Student Celebration was held on April 23. The event showcased original student research completed in 2013-14, both individual and collaborative. Departmental awards for graduating seniors were also distributed, including:

The Chardin Award (outstanding student in Anthropology): Ellen Hamel and Alexandria Peterson (pictured below)

(Above: Alexandria Peterson, Chris Biersdorf, and Dr. Kristin Krueger; Below: Dr. Ruth Gomberg-Muñoz and Ellen Hamel)

The Buechel Award (outstanding combination of academics and service): Greer Campbell and Julia Fleury

Outstanding Student in Biological Anthropology: Chris Biersdorf

Outstanding Student in Cultural Anthropology: Ashley Wahnschaff

Outstanding Student in Linguistic Anthropology: Gillian McGhee

Congratulations to all our graduating seniors! We wish you the best!