
Aleksandr Goltsiker

Office: 303 Cudahy Science Building
Phone: 773.508.3545
Fax: 773.508.3534
E-mail: agoltsi@luc.edu

Joined Loyola in 2001.


College Physics I, College Physics II, Modern Physics Laboratory


  • Hydrodynamics, Energy and Mass Transfer, Chemical Reactions in Two-Phase Flows
  • Combustion and Shock Wave Propagation in Two-Phase Media
  • Mass Crystallization from Solutions
  • Electromagnetic Shielding (due to Nuclear Electromagnetic Pulse Protection)
  • History of Modern Physics (20th century)
    a) Russian and St.-Petersburg Physicists in, 
    b) Early Quantum Physics- W. Wien and others
    c) Early Quantum Electrodynamics
  • History of Jesuits in Science - In particular the contributions of Fr. G. Gruber and others (late 18th and early 19th centuries)
  • Pedagogical research in Applied Physics and Engineering

Office: 303 Cudahy Science Building
Phone: 773.508.3545
Fax: 773.508.3534
E-mail: agoltsi@luc.edu

Joined Loyola in 2001.


College Physics I, College Physics II, Modern Physics Laboratory


  • Hydrodynamics, Energy and Mass Transfer, Chemical Reactions in Two-Phase Flows
  • Combustion and Shock Wave Propagation in Two-Phase Media
  • Mass Crystallization from Solutions
  • Electromagnetic Shielding (due to Nuclear Electromagnetic Pulse Protection)
  • History of Modern Physics (20th century)
    a) Russian and St.-Petersburg Physicists in, 
    b) Early Quantum Physics- W. Wien and others
    c) Early Quantum Electrodynamics
  • History of Jesuits in Science - In particular the contributions of Fr. G. Gruber and others (late 18th and early 19th centuries)
  • Pedagogical research in Applied Physics and Engineering