Cambridge Guidelines

Don't let good work go unnoticed

More than 10,000 schools in 160 countries offer Cambridge programs in a number of subjects. The following Cambridge International Examination scores are accepted by Loyola:

CIE Course NameLevelScore RequiredSemester CreditsLoyola Course Equivalent
Accounting A C 6 ACCT 201 and ACCT 202
Anthropology A C 6 ANTH 100 and ANTH 101
Biology A C 6 BIO 101 and BIO 102
Chemistry A C 6 CHEM 101 and CHEM 102
Computer Science A C 3 COMP 120
Computing A C 6 COMP 150 and COMP 170
Drama and Theater Studies A C 6 THTR 100 and THTR 203
Hinduism A C 3 THEO 282
History A C 6 HIST 102 and HIST 104
History of Art A C 6 FNAR 200 and FNAR 201
Islamic Studies A C 6 IWS 109 and IWS 195
Music Technology A C 3 MUSC 201
Philosophy A C 6 PHIL 130 and PHIL 180
Physics A C 6 PHYS 111 and PHYS 112
Physics A A C 6 PHYS 111 and PHYS 112
Psychology A C 6 PSYC 101 and PSYC 102
Psychology B A C 6 PSYC 110 and PSYCH Elective
Religious Studies A C 6 THEO 107 and THEO Elective
Statistics A C 3 STAT 103
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