Loyola University Chicago

University Staff Council

October 2015

Kimberly Moore

Title/s:  Assistant Dean of Students

Email: kmoore5@luc.edu


Department/School/Division: Office of the Dean of Students and Office of Off-Campus Student Life
Campus: Lake Shore Campus
Years at Loyola:

What is your favorite thing about working at Loyola? 
I love the environment and setting.  I grew up on a small inland lake in Wisconsin and tend to thrive when close to a body of water.  Being able to work on a campus that has Lake Michigan as a backdrop has been an invaluable perk.

What is your most memorable achievement as a Loyola employee? 
I am proud of being a part of the idea development and program coordination of some signature initiatives that are now integrated into the Loyola Experience like the Student Promise, “Key” Experiences, Convocation Walk and Cheer Tunnel, and the Commencement Walk.

What does Loyola's mission mean to you?
The Loyola mission inspires me to see God in all things, first and foremost.  With that worldview, I can work to be present, particularly to those in need, in order to bring about positive systemic social change. I am called to serve students and help them prepare to live in the spirit and tradition of their Catholic, Jesuit education – when they are in need, I am here to help.  By being present to students in need, I hope that they are able to maximize their college experience and ultimately, be ready to go forth and contribute their gifts and talents to bring about positive systemic social change.

What motivates you to succeed each and every day? 
A sense of duty to fully engage my gifts and talents so that I can create opportunities for others to succeed.  I am also motivated by my two daughters.  I want to role model the idea that through hard work, opportunity, and a good heart they can be great and do great things for others.

Tell us how you show your Rambler pride. 
I have been at the University since I was a graduate student in 2004.  I show my pride by contributing to the perpetuation of traditions, being present at signature events, and wearing my Rambler cardigan as often as I can – it may be the most comfortable thing I own.

Tell us something most people at Loyola would be surprised to know about you. 
I am pursuing my doctorate in Milwaukee and travel from Chicago regularly to achieve it on an accelerated track.