
Current Graduate Students

PhD Candidates

Moriah Johnson

Advisor: Judson Everitt, PhD
Email: mjohnson58@luc.edu

Research Interests: Sociology of Race/Ethnicity; Sociology of Education; Homeschooling; Black Feminist Thought

Dissertation Title: Black Homeschooling Moms in Community: How Black moms are impacting the racialized educational terrain

Melissa Kinsella

Advisor: Anne Figert, PhD
Email: mkinsella1@luc.edu

Research Interests: Sociology of Gender; Sociology of Masculinities; Medical Sociology; Qualitative Methodology  

Dissertation Title: A “Scary Time” to Be a Man? Comparing Men’s Engagement with Sexual Violence and Anti-Sexual Violence Discourses in the Private and Public Spheres  

Dana LaVergne

Advisor: Dana Garbarski, PhD
Email: dlavergne@luc.edu

Research Interests: Medical Sociology; Embodiment; Gender and Sexuality; Qualitative Sociology   

Dissertation Title: "Buying Time or Doing Harm?”:  Tracing Contestation and Consensus in Debates on Puberty Blockers for Trans Youth

Keyla Navarrete

Advisor: Cristian Paredes, PhD
Email: knavarrete1@luc.edu

Research Interests: Higher Education; Stratification; Race & Ethnicity; Public Opinion; Public Policy; Poverty, Law & Society; Gender; Sex Ratios

Dissertation Title: Fear of Victimization, Trust, Security, and Public Spaces in Guatemala

Tori Olson

Advisors: Anne Figert, PhD and Dana Garbarski, PhD
Email: tolson9@luc.edu

Dissertation Title: Measuring Collective Efficacy and its Relationship to Urban Green Spaces

John Henry Sienkiewicz III

Advisor: Judson Everitt, PhD
Email: jsienkiewicz1@luc.edu

Research Interests: Precarious Labor; Sociology of Organizations; Social Movements

Dissertation Title: Grassroots on Asphalt: An Examination of Uber Drivers and Gig Worker Organizing

Julie Szamocki

Advisor: Judson Everitt, PhD
Email:  jszamocki@luc.edu

Dissertation Title: Mapping Motivations: Analyzing Individual Anti-Gun Violence Activist Participation in Chicago

Samir Talati

Advisor: Peter Rosenblatt, PhD
Email: ftalati@luc.edu

Research Interests: Sociology of Education; Ethnicity; Tribal Sociology; Political Sociology

Dissertation Title: Ethnicity through Education: An Analysis of the Influence of Formal Education on Ethnicity in Garo Hills

Juanita Vivas Bastidas

Advisor: Dana Garbarski, PhD
Email: jvivas1@luc.edu

Research Interests: Urban Sociology; Environmental Sociology; Sociology of Mental Health; Intersectionality; Research Methodologies

Dissertation Title: Transforming Latine Barrios in Chicago: How Residents Appraise and Cope with Neighborhood Stressors

Leslie Erin Watland

Advisor: Judson Everitt, PhD
Email: lwatland@luc.edu

Research Interests: Gender & Sexuality; LGBTQ; Sociology of Higher Education; Sociology of Violence; Policy Studies

Dissertation Title: A Phenomenological Study of Meaning Making in University Faculty Regarding Role Expectations in Response to Student Crises

Ryan SC Wong

Advisor: Marilyn Krogh, PhD
Email: rwong1@luc.edu

Research Interests: Sociology of Religion; Deviance and Social Control; Social Movement; Public Sociology
Dissertation Title: Return of the Religious: The Untold Story of Reaffiliation in the US


Fatema Zohara

Advisor: Rhys Williams, PhD
Email: fzohara@luc.edu

Research Interests: International Migration, Race & Ethnicity; Sociology of Religion

Dissertation Title: Dating and Courtship Processes among Muslim Bangladeshi North Americans: Navigating Space and Social Identities

PhD Students

Betsi Burns

Advisor: Marilyn Krogh, PhD
Email: bburns4@luc.edu

Ahmet Ciftcioglu

Advisor: Marilyn Krogh, PhD
Email: aciftcioglu@luc.edu

Research Interests: Social Movements; Sociology of Religion; Critical Muslim Studies; Comparative and Historical Sociology; Neoliberalism

Dikshya Dahal

Advisor: Marilyn Krogh, PhD
Email: ddahal@luc.edu

Research Interests: Environmental Sociology; Environmental Justice; Urban Sociology; Organizational Sociology; Social Organization of Philanthropy; Qualitative Methods; Asia and Asian Americans

Stacey Jaksa

Advisor: Teresa Gonzales, PhD
Email: sjaksa@luc.edu

Research Interests: Policy Studies; Demography; Sex, Gender, and Sexuality; Race and Ethnicity; Medical Sociology; Urban Sociology

Abu Said Juel Miah

Advisor: Marilyn Krogh, PhD
Research Interests: 

Email: ajuelmiah@luc.edu

Travis Moody

Advisor: Marilyn Krogh, PhD
Research Interests: Race & Ethnicity

Email: tmoody1@luc.edu

Camillus Njoku

Advisor: Anne Figert, PhD
Email: onjoku@luc.edu

Dissertation Title: The Role of Religion in Illness Meaning and Coping among Sub-Saharan African Christian Immigrants (SSACIs) in the US

Kajal Patel

Advisor: Marilyn Krogh, PhD and Minwoo Jung, PhD
Email: kpatel54@luc.edu

Research Interests: race/ethnicity with a focus on the South Asian population; sex/gender; digital media; qualitative methods

Lillian Platten

Advisor: Judson G. Everitt, PhD
Email: lplatten@luc.edu

Research Interests: Organizational Theory; Sociology of Education; Socialization; Social Psychology; Social Policy
Master's Thesis: "You can prepare people for harm without exposing them to small doses of it": Institutionalism, Peer Culture, and Cultural Reproduction in Active Shooter Drills 

Mamitiana (Jenny) Rakotoarisoa

Advisor: Marilyn Krogh, PhD
Email: mrakotoarisoa@luc.edu

Richard Rodriguez

Advisor: Marilyn Krogh, PhD
Email: rrodriguez7@luc.edu

Madelyn Shoemaker

Advisor: Judson Everitt, PhD.

Dissertation Title: A Mixed-Methods Case Study of Gender Understandings Among Evangelicals

Sarah Thorngate

Advisor: Judson Everitt, PhD
Email: sthorngate@luc.edu

Research Interests: Sociology of Education; Cultural Sociology; Race and Class Inequalities in Higher Education; Sociology of Information

Eyyup Yilmaz

Advisor: Patrick Gilger, SJ, PhD
Email: eyilmaz@luc.edu

Research Interests: Sociology of Religion & Islam; Political Sociology; Social Theory; Historical Sociology

MA Students 

Raymond Akumbilim

Advisor: Cristian Paredes, PhD

Research Interests: Race and Ethnicity; Sociology of Religion

Emily Cynthia Hart

Advisor: Marilyn Krogh, PhD

Research Interests: Social policy; political sociology; demography; consumer culture

Aaron Holzmueller

Advisor: Anne Figert, PhD

Research Interests: Sociology of Sports; Sociology of Disability
Masters Thesis Topic: Analysis of media coverage of the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games

Phoebe Jackson

Advisor: Anne Figert, PhD

Research Interests: Sex, Gender, and Sexuality; Qualitative Methods
Thesis Title: A Qualitative Analysis of Gender and Power in Bars and Clubs

Jacob Pritchard

Advisor: Marilyn Krogh, PhD

S Khadija Quadri

Email: squadri3@luc.edu

Jasmine Saunders

Advisor: Marilyn Krogh, PhD

Research Interests: Sociology of Race, Place, and Space; Public Policy; Policy Studies; Political Sociology; Urban Sociology

Jonathan Savidge

Advisor: Marilyn Krogh, PhD

Robert Stevenson

Advisor: Marilyn Krogh, PhD

Research Interests: Sociology of Religion; American Evangelicalism; Quantitative Methods

Max Xu

Advisor: Anne Figert, PhD

Research Interests: Race and Ethnicity; Mental Health; Chinese Diaspora; Qualitative Methods

Sabina Zabarte

Advisor: Marilyn Krogh, PhD

Research Interests: Sociology of Globalization; Sociology of Religion; Historical Sociology; Application of Sociology within the Sphere of Social Work

BA/MA Students 

Gracie Frank

Advisor: Marilyn Krogh, PhD

Anton Jahn-Vavrus

Advisor: Marilyn Krogh, PhD

Kaitlin Jones

Advisor: Marilyn Krogh, PhD

Doctoral Degrees Earned in 2024

Christopher Hansen

Advisor: Dana Garbarski, PhD
Email: chansen6@luc.edu

Research Interests: Survey Methodology; Sexual and Gender Minority Population Research; Sex, Gender, and Sexuality; Race and Ethnicity  

Dissertation Title: Gender diversity in U.S. adolescents: an exploration of multidimensional survey measures of gender and their associations with health and social outcomes using a national sample of adolescent-parent dyads.

Joseph Butler

Advisor: Peter Rosenblatt, PhD
Email: jbutler2@luc.edu

Dissertation Title: Racialization's influence on African American male university attrition: Is it culture shock or is there more to the story?

Michelle Dodson

Advisor: Rhys Williams, PhD
Email: mdodson@luc.edu

Dissertation Title: Race and Multiracial Congregations: Transformative of Status Quo

Stephanie Jean-Baptiste

Advisor: Rhys Williams, PhD
Email: sjeanbaptiste@luc.edu

Dissertation Title: Ou pa Moun Bo Isit: Local Haitians' Attitudes Towards NGO Representatives

PhD Candidates

Moriah Johnson

Advisor: Judson Everitt, PhD
Email: mjohnson58@luc.edu

Research Interests: Sociology of Race/Ethnicity; Sociology of Education; Homeschooling; Black Feminist Thought

Dissertation Title: Black Homeschooling Moms in Community: How Black moms are impacting the racialized educational terrain

Melissa Kinsella

Advisor: Anne Figert, PhD
Email: mkinsella1@luc.edu

Research Interests: Sociology of Gender; Sociology of Masculinities; Medical Sociology; Qualitative Methodology  

Dissertation Title: A “Scary Time” to Be a Man? Comparing Men’s Engagement with Sexual Violence and Anti-Sexual Violence Discourses in the Private and Public Spheres  

Dana LaVergne

Advisor: Dana Garbarski, PhD
Email: dlavergne@luc.edu

Research Interests: Medical Sociology; Embodiment; Gender and Sexuality; Qualitative Sociology   

Dissertation Title: "Buying Time or Doing Harm?”:  Tracing Contestation and Consensus in Debates on Puberty Blockers for Trans Youth

Keyla Navarrete

Advisor: Cristian Paredes, PhD
Email: knavarrete1@luc.edu

Research Interests: Higher Education; Stratification; Race & Ethnicity; Public Opinion; Public Policy; Poverty, Law & Society; Gender; Sex Ratios

Dissertation Title: Fear of Victimization, Trust, Security, and Public Spaces in Guatemala

Tori Olson

Advisors: Anne Figert, PhD and Dana Garbarski, PhD
Email: tolson9@luc.edu

Dissertation Title: Measuring Collective Efficacy and its Relationship to Urban Green Spaces

John Henry Sienkiewicz III

Advisor: Judson Everitt, PhD
Email: jsienkiewicz1@luc.edu

Research Interests: Precarious Labor; Sociology of Organizations; Social Movements

Dissertation Title: Grassroots on Asphalt: An Examination of Uber Drivers and Gig Worker Organizing

Julie Szamocki

Advisor: Judson Everitt, PhD
Email:  jszamocki@luc.edu

Dissertation Title: Mapping Motivations: Analyzing Individual Anti-Gun Violence Activist Participation in Chicago

Samir Talati

Advisor: Peter Rosenblatt, PhD
Email: ftalati@luc.edu

Research Interests: Sociology of Education; Ethnicity; Tribal Sociology; Political Sociology

Dissertation Title: Ethnicity through Education: An Analysis of the Influence of Formal Education on Ethnicity in Garo Hills

Juanita Vivas Bastidas

Advisor: Dana Garbarski, PhD
Email: jvivas1@luc.edu

Research Interests: Urban Sociology; Environmental Sociology; Sociology of Mental Health; Intersectionality; Research Methodologies

Dissertation Title: Transforming Latine Barrios in Chicago: How Residents Appraise and Cope with Neighborhood Stressors

Leslie Erin Watland

Advisor: Judson Everitt, PhD
Email: lwatland@luc.edu

Research Interests: Gender & Sexuality; LGBTQ; Sociology of Higher Education; Sociology of Violence; Policy Studies

Dissertation Title: A Phenomenological Study of Meaning Making in University Faculty Regarding Role Expectations in Response to Student Crises

Ryan SC Wong

Advisor: Marilyn Krogh, PhD
Email: rwong1@luc.edu

Research Interests: Sociology of Religion; Deviance and Social Control; Social Movement; Public Sociology
Dissertation Title: Return of the Religious: The Untold Story of Reaffiliation in the US


Fatema Zohara

Advisor: Rhys Williams, PhD
Email: fzohara@luc.edu

Research Interests: International Migration, Race & Ethnicity; Sociology of Religion

Dissertation Title: Dating and Courtship Processes among Muslim Bangladeshi North Americans: Navigating Space and Social Identities

PhD Students

Betsi Burns

Advisor: Marilyn Krogh, PhD
Email: bburns4@luc.edu

Ahmet Ciftcioglu

Advisor: Marilyn Krogh, PhD
Email: aciftcioglu@luc.edu

Research Interests: Social Movements; Sociology of Religion; Critical Muslim Studies; Comparative and Historical Sociology; Neoliberalism

Dikshya Dahal

Advisor: Marilyn Krogh, PhD
Email: ddahal@luc.edu

Research Interests: Environmental Sociology; Environmental Justice; Urban Sociology; Organizational Sociology; Social Organization of Philanthropy; Qualitative Methods; Asia and Asian Americans

Stacey Jaksa

Advisor: Teresa Gonzales, PhD
Email: sjaksa@luc.edu

Research Interests: Policy Studies; Demography; Sex, Gender, and Sexuality; Race and Ethnicity; Medical Sociology; Urban Sociology

Abu Said Juel Miah

Advisor: Marilyn Krogh, PhD
Research Interests: 

Email: ajuelmiah@luc.edu

Travis Moody

Advisor: Marilyn Krogh, PhD
Research Interests: Race & Ethnicity

Email: tmoody1@luc.edu

Camillus Njoku

Advisor: Anne Figert, PhD
Email: onjoku@luc.edu

Dissertation Title: The Role of Religion in Illness Meaning and Coping among Sub-Saharan African Christian Immigrants (SSACIs) in the US

Kajal Patel

Advisor: Marilyn Krogh, PhD and Minwoo Jung, PhD
Email: kpatel54@luc.edu

Research Interests: race/ethnicity with a focus on the South Asian population; sex/gender; digital media; qualitative methods

Lillian Platten

Advisor: Judson G. Everitt, PhD
Email: lplatten@luc.edu

Research Interests: Organizational Theory; Sociology of Education; Socialization; Social Psychology; Social Policy
Master's Thesis: "You can prepare people for harm without exposing them to small doses of it": Institutionalism, Peer Culture, and Cultural Reproduction in Active Shooter Drills 

Mamitiana (Jenny) Rakotoarisoa

Advisor: Marilyn Krogh, PhD
Email: mrakotoarisoa@luc.edu

Richard Rodriguez

Advisor: Marilyn Krogh, PhD
Email: rrodriguez7@luc.edu

Madelyn Shoemaker

Advisor: Judson Everitt, PhD.

Dissertation Title: A Mixed-Methods Case Study of Gender Understandings Among Evangelicals

Sarah Thorngate

Advisor: Judson Everitt, PhD
Email: sthorngate@luc.edu

Research Interests: Sociology of Education; Cultural Sociology; Race and Class Inequalities in Higher Education; Sociology of Information

Eyyup Yilmaz

Advisor: Patrick Gilger, SJ, PhD
Email: eyilmaz@luc.edu

Research Interests: Sociology of Religion & Islam; Political Sociology; Social Theory; Historical Sociology

MA Students 

Raymond Akumbilim

Advisor: Cristian Paredes, PhD

Research Interests: Race and Ethnicity; Sociology of Religion

Emily Cynthia Hart

Advisor: Marilyn Krogh, PhD

Research Interests: Social policy; political sociology; demography; consumer culture

Aaron Holzmueller

Advisor: Anne Figert, PhD

Research Interests: Sociology of Sports; Sociology of Disability
Masters Thesis Topic: Analysis of media coverage of the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games

Phoebe Jackson

Advisor: Anne Figert, PhD

Research Interests: Sex, Gender, and Sexuality; Qualitative Methods
Thesis Title: A Qualitative Analysis of Gender and Power in Bars and Clubs

Jacob Pritchard

Advisor: Marilyn Krogh, PhD

S Khadija Quadri

Email: squadri3@luc.edu

Jasmine Saunders

Advisor: Marilyn Krogh, PhD

Research Interests: Sociology of Race, Place, and Space; Public Policy; Policy Studies; Political Sociology; Urban Sociology

Jonathan Savidge

Advisor: Marilyn Krogh, PhD

Robert Stevenson

Advisor: Marilyn Krogh, PhD

Research Interests: Sociology of Religion; American Evangelicalism; Quantitative Methods

Max Xu

Advisor: Anne Figert, PhD

Research Interests: Race and Ethnicity; Mental Health; Chinese Diaspora; Qualitative Methods

Sabina Zabarte

Advisor: Marilyn Krogh, PhD

Research Interests: Sociology of Globalization; Sociology of Religion; Historical Sociology; Application of Sociology within the Sphere of Social Work

BA/MA Students 

Gracie Frank

Advisor: Marilyn Krogh, PhD

Anton Jahn-Vavrus

Advisor: Marilyn Krogh, PhD

Kaitlin Jones

Advisor: Marilyn Krogh, PhD

Doctoral Degrees Earned in 2024

Christopher Hansen

Advisor: Dana Garbarski, PhD
Email: chansen6@luc.edu

Research Interests: Survey Methodology; Sexual and Gender Minority Population Research; Sex, Gender, and Sexuality; Race and Ethnicity  

Dissertation Title: Gender diversity in U.S. adolescents: an exploration of multidimensional survey measures of gender and their associations with health and social outcomes using a national sample of adolescent-parent dyads.

Joseph Butler

Advisor: Peter Rosenblatt, PhD
Email: jbutler2@luc.edu

Dissertation Title: Racialization's influence on African American male university attrition: Is it culture shock or is there more to the story?

Michelle Dodson

Advisor: Rhys Williams, PhD
Email: mdodson@luc.edu

Dissertation Title: Race and Multiracial Congregations: Transformative of Status Quo

Stephanie Jean-Baptiste

Advisor: Rhys Williams, PhD
Email: sjeanbaptiste@luc.edu

Dissertation Title: Ou pa Moun Bo Isit: Local Haitians' Attitudes Towards NGO Representatives