SSW Professor Abha Rai, Ph.D. Named SSWR Fellow
SSW Professor Abha Rai, Ph.D. Named SSWR Fellow

School of Social Work Assistant Professor Abha Rai, Ph.D., MSW was recently named to the 2025 cohort of Society of Social Work Research (SSWR) Fellows. Rai is joined by 20 other social work researchers added to the ranks of the SSWR Fellows this year.
Rai’s research focuses primarily on immigrant and refugee well-being, gender-based violence, culturally-responsive research, and exclusionary immigration policies. At Loyola, she serves as Co-Director in the Center for Immigrant and Refugee Accompaniment (CIRA). Rai said she was grateful to be acknowledged by such a prestigious organization.
“I feel honored to share this space with other renowned colleagues, also part of this cohort,” Rai said. “I am excited about my work and service toward SSWR being recognized. I hope to continue my service within SSWR and toward my fellow social work scholars.”
SSWR currently lists just 338 fellows working at universities across the globe. Fellows are recognized for their rigorous research that addresses issues of social work practice and policy and promotes a diverse, equitable and just society.
“I have always loved research and it continues to excite me to this day,” Rai said. “Growing up, I was always a curious individual, and getting to explore my curiosity through research has been amazing. At Loyola, I am excited that I am able to pursue community-engaged scholarship and research that is impactful. My passion for research and enthusiasm about making a difference to the community inspires me to be involved in diverse research projects.”
Along with the rest of the Class of 2025, Rai will be inducted into the Fellowship at the SSWR Annual Conference from January 15-19, 2025 in Seattle, Washington. Rai will also be presenting several research projects during the conference, a complete list of which can be found below.
“The SSWR Conference is always special since it allows me to connect with colleagues, mentors and friends,” Rai said. “I am presenting a few of our papers from recent projects with some of those colleagues and our doctoral students, which is wonderful. This conference is even more special since I get to join the SSWR 2025 Fellows cohort.”
Rai’s SSWR Presentation Schedule:
Thursday, January 16, 3:15-4:45 p.m.
Graham L., Rai, A., Abinader, M., Kafka, J., & Fusco, R. Innovative Methods for Using National Violent Death System Data to Investigate Intimate Partner Violence-Related Homicides and Suicides. Roundtable. Greenwood, Level 3.
Friday, January 17, 7:00-8:00 a.m.
Rai, A., et al. South Asian Social Work Educators’ Association (SASWEA). Special Interest Group. Seneca, Level 4.
Friday, January 17, 8:00-9:30 a.m.
Held, M.L., Rai, A., Naseh, M. & Gitau, M. (2025, January). Afghan Evacuees in Chicago and Nashville: Strengthening Knowledge of Mental Health Promoting Factors. Presentation. Issaquah B, Level 3.
Friday, January 17, 3:45-5:15 p.m.
Cheng, S., Rai, A., Saasa, S. & Sohn, S. Mental Health Among Immigrant Survivors of Domestic Violence: The Role of Coping, Resilience, and Perceived Discrimination. Poster. Issaquah B, Level 3.
Saturday, January 18, 7:00-8:00 a.m.
Rai, A., Wood, L., Bagwell Gray, M., Klein, L.B. Violence Against Women and Children. Special Interest Group. Boren, Level 4.
Saturday, January 18, 9:45-11:15 a.m.
Rai, A., Sanchez-Gomes, A., Ravi, K.E., & Sabri, B. Scoping Review on the Utilization of the Violence Against Women Act by Immigrant Survivors. Poster. Grand Ballroom C, Level 2.
Saturday, January 18, 4:00-5:30 p.m.
Rai, A. Global and Immigrant GBV. Flash Talks. Virgina, Level 4.
Sunday, January 19, 8:00-9:30 a.m.
Kapur, I., Ravi, K.E., Rai, A., Farzam, F., Sanchez-Gomes, A., & Leyva Cea, E. Provider Perspectives of Immigrant Survivors Experiences Accessing the Violence Against Women Act. Poster. Grand Ballroom C, Level 2.
Sunday, January 19, 9:45-11:15 a.m.
Rai, A., Held, M.H., Huslage, M., Galvez, E., Demissie, Y.D., & Siksay, L. Do the Right Thing: How Can Social Workers Support Immigrants? Presentation. Cedar B, Level 2.