
Caleb Kim, Ph.D., MSW, MDiv.
Dr. Caleb Kim is an associate professor at the School of Social Work at Loyola University Chicago and a faculty affiliate with the Center for Immigrant and Refugee Accompaniment as well as the Center for Human Rights of Children.
Dr. Kim earned his Ph.D. from the University of Chicago, School of Social Service Administration, his MSW from Norfolk State University, and his MDiv. from Loyola University Chicago. Prior to joining Loyola as an MSW director in 2008, Dr. Kim was a chair of the Social Work Department at the University of St. Francis, visiting associate professor at the University of Chicago, and an associate professor at the Yonsei University in Seoul, Korea.
Dr. Kim has over twenty years of working experience with vulnerable minority youth, refugees, and immigrant families in order to develop community-based violence prevention programs, culturally competent social work practice, and international global social work education. As a principal investigator of diverse research projects, he has secured over $6 million in federal and state funds, including SAMHSA’s GLS Campus Suicide Prevention, DHHS’s Minority Youth Violence Prevention, HRSA’s SDS Scholarship, and DOJ’s STOP School Violence grants. He has served on the CSWE Commission on Global Social Work Education and the Council on Global Social Issues. He received the Fellowship Awards from the Loyola Joan and Bill Hank Center for the Catholic Intellectual Heritage and the Center for Children’s Human Rights. He was inducted into the Phi Alpha Honor Society for Social Work
M.Div. Loyola University Chicago, Institute of Pastoral Studies
Ph.D. University of Chicago, School of Social Service Administration
MSW Norfolk State University, School of Social Work
BA Yonsei University, Korea
Professional & Community Affiliations
Council on Social Work Education (CSWE)
National Association of Social Workers (NASW)
World Society of Victimology (WSV)
International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP)
International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (ISPCAN)
Research Interests
Acculturation process of immigrant youth and family
Vulnerable minority youth violence prevention
Suicide prevention
Global social work education
Culturally competent social work practice
Selected Federal Grants
2021 – 2024 Principal Investigator, STOP School Violence Grant, Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance, Opportunity ID O-BJA-2021-47003, Grant No. 15PBJ-21-GG-05-4610-STOP. $997,580 (Co-PI: R. Hong).
2017 – 2021 Principal Investigator, BRAVE (Building Resilience Against Violence Engagement), Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Minority Health, Minority Youth Violence Prevention II Grant, CFDA. 93.910, Grant No. YEPMP170101-01-00, $1,700,000 (Co-PI: K. Tyson, M. Richards, T. Kilbane, & R. Hong).
2016 – 2020 Principal Investigator, PACES (Pathways to Academic, Career and Employment Success), HRSA Scholarship for Disadvantaged Students Grant, CFDA: 93.925, Grant No. T08HP30151, $2,600,000 (Co-PI: S. Grossman; Project Evaluator: J. Orwat)
2015 – 2018 Principal Investigator, L&U Care-Together: Campus Suicide Prevention, DHHS, SAMHSA Garrett Lee Smith Campus Suicide Prevention Grant, (RFA) No. SM-15-008, No.: 93.243, Grant No. 1 U79 SM062540-01, $306,000 (Co-PI: D. De Boer)
Courses Taught
SOWK 370 Ethnicity, Race, and Culture
SOWK 502 Promoting Social Justice and Empowerment: The Intersection of Oppression, Privilege and Diversity in Social Work
SOWK 609 Social Work Practice in School
SWFI 630S Integrative Field Practicum Seminar
Selected Scholarship
Caleb Kim, R. Hong & P. Hong (2022). Ethnic minority children’s perceptions of violence exposure in community, Child Welfare Journal, Vol.100 (3).
Caleb Kim (2022) Understanding Asian American college student’s suicidal behaviors: Qualitative study. International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, 12(3).
K. Choi, Caleb Kim, & B. Jones (2021). Korean immigrant fathers’ perceptions and attitudes toward their parenting involvement. Journal of Family Issues. 1-26.
Caleb Kim (2021). Essential facilitators in building university partnerships with ethnic minority communities. Journal of Sociocultural Community Development and Practices, 19(1), 59-68.
Caleb Kim (2021). The Pathway of University-Community collaboration for preventing youth violence. World Journal of Education and Humanities, 3(2), 50-62.
Caleb Kim (2021). University-Community collaboration for preventing youth violence in disadvantaged minority communities, 13th United Nations Geneva Forum, 8th Annual International Conference on Inclusive Education and Project Based Learning for Peace and Development, December 13-17, Geneva, Switzerland.
Hong P., Caleb Kim, Hong, R., Lewis, D., Park, J. (2020). Examining psychological self-sufficiency among African American low-income jobseekers in a health profession career pathways program. Social Work in Health Care, 59, 139-160.
Hong, Caleb Kim & R. Hong (2019). Transforming Impossibility to Possibility: Youth Violence Prevention Program. CROSS in Loyola University Chicago
Caleb Kim (2019). Racial-cultural Risk and Protective Factors for Preventing Violence among Asian, Hispanic, and African American Children, International Consortium for Social Development (ICSD) 21st International Conference, July 16-19, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Caleb Kim (2018). Comprehensive Case Management for BRAVE (Building Resilience Against Violence Engagement) Violence Prevention and Crime Reduction Model.
Caleb Kim (2016). Faculty-led short-term study abroad program in Beijing, China, In Alice K. Butterfield and Carol S. Cohen (Eds). Practicing as a Social Work Educator in International Collaboration (pp. 95-114). CSWE Publication. ISBN 978-0-87293-180-0.