
Susan Grossman, PhD
Title/s: Professor
Office #: Maguire Hall 506
Phone: 312.915.6456
CV Link: Curriculum Vitae
Ph.D., University of Chicago, School of Social Service Administration, 1991
M.A., University of Chicago; School of Social Service Administration, 1982
B.S., Northwestern University; Evanston, Illinois, 1978
Program Areas
Evaluation of Project “Open Door.” Co-Principal Investigator. – Evaluation of collaborative case management model being utilized by IDHS. Funded by the Michael Reese Health Trust. Fund, Jan/Feb. 2008 through December, 2011. .
Evaluating Chicago’s Ten Year Plan to End Homelessness - Co- Principal Investigator. Evaluation of Chicago’s homelessness service system. Funded by Chicago Community Trust, Michael Reese Health Trust, Polk Brothers. January 2009-December 2010.
Analysis of Shelter Utilization by Victims of Domestic Violence. Co-Principal Investigator. Recently completed evaluation of utilization of shelter services by victims of domestic violence in Illinois. Incorporated both qualitative and quantitative methods. Funded by Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority
Courses Currently Teaching/Teaching Areas:
I have taught across all three programs in the School of Social Work, including the Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral programs, focusing on research methods and social welfare policy.
Most recent courses include:
SOWK 201- Social Welfare Policies and Services I
SOWK 507- Social Welfare and Social Work
SOWK 506 –Methods of Social Work Research
SOWK 606 – Practicum in Social Work Research
Professional & Community Affiliations
Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Poverty and Inequality
Manuscript Reviewer, Violence Against Women
Member Conference Planning Committee, NASW-IL Fall 2007 Annual
Conference, Fall 2009 Annual Conference.
Delegate Member, NASW Delegate Assembly, 2011 Assembly.
Member-at Large, Executive Committee, American Association of University Professors, Loyola University Chapter, 2008 -2009 academic year.
Consultant, Mayor’s Office on Domestic Violence
Associate Faculty Member, Women’s Studies/Gender Studies Program
Associate Faculty Member, Center for Urban Research and Learning
International Experience:
Involved in collaborative study with Mexican government and several faculty at the School of Social Work in study of the well-being of Mexican immigrants in Chicago.
Selected Publications
Recent Faculty Scholarship:
• Lundy, M. & Grossman, S.F. Domestic violence: A comparison of older and younger female victims. Journal of Family Violence (Forthcoming)
• Grossman, S.F. & Lundy, M. (2008) Double jeopardy: A comparison of disabled and non-disabled victims of sexual assault and/or sexual abuse. Journal of Social Work in Disability and Rehabilitation,7 19-46..
• Lundy, M. & Grossman, S.F. (2008, forthcoming) Mexican immigrant families in the U.S: A review of the literature. Social Trabajando (In press)
Faculty Grants
• Evaluation of Project “Open Door.” Co-Principal Investigator. Funded by the Michael Reese Health Trust. Jan/Feb. 2008 through December, 2011.
• Chicago Community Trust. “Evaluating Chicago's Homelessness Plan” (with Dr. M. Sosin & Dr. George). January 2009-December 2010. Chicago Community Trust conditionally approved October 2008. Decision on additional funding pending.