
Implementing Accommodations for Students with Hearing Impairments

Deaf and Hard of Hearing Accommodations

All video materials must be captioned. If captioning/transcription is not available, please contact our office at 773-508-3700 or sac@luc.edu.

CART - Communication Access Realtime Translation
CART provides an instant translation of spoken English into written text that is displayed on a laptop monitor. This allows the student to read what is being said during a class session. CART can be provided in person or remotely.

Sign language interpreters serve as communication facilitators between the student and professors or teaching assistants and other participants in classes and meetings.

Here is some helpful information for working with CART or Interpreters:

  • The captioner uses a stenographer's device to input everything that is spoken during class. This device is connected to a laptop computer where the verbal information is displayed as text for the student to read.
  • Successful captioning/interpreting requires the ability to hear, understand, and keep pace with the speaker. Speak clearly at your normal rate, but be open to slowing down a little if asked.
  • Avoid speaking directly to the captioner/interpreter or asking them questions during class time. Captioners cannot talk and transcribe at the same time. Address the deaf person directly, using singular phrases. This is the person you are having a conversation with. 
  • Please give copies of the syllabus and handouts to the captioner/interpreter.

Please be aware that captioners/interpreters do not:

  • Add or delete information
  • Explain, define, or repeat information
  • Take responsibility for the student's absences
  • Advise people on the subject of hearing loss or being Deaf
  • Talk about their profession during class

Deaf and Hard of Hearing Accommodations

All video materials must be captioned. If captioning/transcription is not available, please contact our office at 773-508-3700 or sac@luc.edu.

CART - Communication Access Realtime Translation
CART provides an instant translation of spoken English into written text that is displayed on a laptop monitor. This allows the student to read what is being said during a class session. CART can be provided in person or remotely.

Sign language interpreters serve as communication facilitators between the student and professors or teaching assistants and other participants in classes and meetings.

Here is some helpful information for working with CART or Interpreters:

  • The captioner uses a stenographer's device to input everything that is spoken during class. This device is connected to a laptop computer where the verbal information is displayed as text for the student to read.
  • Successful captioning/interpreting requires the ability to hear, understand, and keep pace with the speaker. Speak clearly at your normal rate, but be open to slowing down a little if asked.
  • Avoid speaking directly to the captioner/interpreter or asking them questions during class time. Captioners cannot talk and transcribe at the same time. Address the deaf person directly, using singular phrases. This is the person you are having a conversation with. 
  • Please give copies of the syllabus and handouts to the captioner/interpreter.

Please be aware that captioners/interpreters do not:

  • Add or delete information
  • Explain, define, or repeat information
  • Take responsibility for the student's absences
  • Advise people on the subject of hearing loss or being Deaf
  • Talk about their profession during class