Loyola University Chicago

Department of Psychology

Steven Davis

Title: Advanced Lecturer
Office: 212  Coffey Hall
Phone: 773.508.3585

Background Information

Doctorate: University of Virginia
Masters: University of Virginia
Bachelors: University of Illinois, Urbana 

Courses Taught

Teaching Philosophy


Research Information

While my teaching load precludes much research involvement, I am broadly interested in college student development (especially identity development) and adjustment. I also have interests in prevention program development and evaluation, and in the use of psychology to address social justice issues.


I am the faculty advisor to two Loyola student organizations, Loyola's chapter of Psi Chi (the international honor society in psychology) and the Loyola University Psychology Association (LUPA).  I also frequently advise students on careers in the helping professions, and created the document "Careers in Counseling and Psychotherapy (with tips on applying to graduate school)" to help them compare different career pathways.