
Graduate Resources

Psychology Career Job Boards

Funding and Scholarship Opportunties

NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program

The NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program recognizes and supports outstanding graduate students in NSF-supported science, technology, engineering, and mathematics disciplines who are pursuing research-based Master's and doctoral degrees at accredited United States institutions. Awards are highly competitive and take into account undergraduate GPA and GRE scores.  Students apply before or during the first or second year of graduate school and receive three years of funding.

Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award

The purpose of this Kirschstein-NRSA program is to enable promising predoctoral students with potential to develop into a productive, independent research scientists, to obtain mentored research training while conducting dissertation research. The F31 is also used to enhance workforce diversity though a separate program.  The F31 is the most prestigious target for funding for the final years of graduate school, but is extremely competitive.  It demonstrates to future research employers that you are able to conceive of a fundable project and get a competitive award to fund it. Availability of the award depends on content with some areas of the NIH only offering F31's to minority candidates.

Undergraduate and Graduate Students Psychology Internship Program

The purpose of the Psychology Internship with the Office of Ethnic Minority Affairs is to offer applied experience to enhance the knowledge of undergraduate and graduate students with a major or minor in psychology.

Minority Fellowship Program

MFP is a highly successful federally funded training program for ethnic and racial minority researchers and service providers. Offers fellowships for Master’s students, predoctoral and postdoctoral fellowships, and the Psychology Summer Institute.

American Psychological Association

The American Psychological Association offers a variety of funding opportunities for underrepresented undergraduate and graduate students or students interested in diversity issues. Here are some example awards offered by the American Psychological Association.

  • Financial Aid ScholarshipThe Financial Aid scholarship provides unmet financial need to students who, in addition to good academic standing, need financial assistance in order to complete a particular program of study.
  • SPP Diversity Research Grant. A $5,000 research grant available to members highlights the importance of diversity in pediatric psychology.
  • Undergraduate Scholarship Program (CIA)Students complete work sessions during each summer break, increasing knowledge and job responsibilities while assisting intelligence professionals and applying academic skills.
  • APA Summer Undergraduate Psychology Research Experience GrantsAPA offers grants to psychology departments to support undergraduate research assistantships during the summer of 2017.
  • Zeta Phi Beta Sorority General Graduate FellowshipsThese fellowships provide financial assistance to African-American graduate women who are working on professional degrees, master's degrees, doctoral, or post-doctoral studies.
  • Filipino-American Psychology ScholarshipThe goal of this scholarship is to increase the number of Filipino-American professors, researchers and academics in the field of psychology.
  • Morris K. Udall Undergraduate ScholarshipsThese merit-based scholarships support students interested in careers related to the environment or native students in tribal public policy or health care.
  • Minority International Research Training Grant in the Biomedical and Behavioral SciencesSupport short-term international training opportunities in health disparities research for students from health disparity populations and/or are underrepresented in their research fields.
  • Point Foundation LGBT ScholarshipsPoint Foundation provides scholarships, mentorship, leadership training and hope for undergraduate and graduate students of merit who have been marginalized due to sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.
  • Travel Grants for Students of Color in PsychologyAwarded to students of color in psychology to serve as a source of funding for graduate students to help defray travel expenses associated with attending and presenting research at a professional conference.
  • Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research for Undergraduate Students (NIAID)Supports scientists who are members of an underrepresented group at the following levels: high school, undergraduate, medical, graduate, postdoctoral and junior faculty.
  • Mental Health Dissertation Research Grant to Increase DiversityThese grants enable qualified doctoral candidates from underrepresented groups, with disabilities or from disadvantaged backgrounds to pursue research careers in any area relevant to the research missions of NIMH.
  • Psi Chi Regional Research AwardsPresented to students submitting the best research papers to Psi Chi sessions at regional conventions.
  • APAGS/Psi Chi Junior Scientist FellowshipThe Junior Scientist Fellowship provides support for students entering their first year, or the first semester of their second year, of a research-oriented graduate program. 
  • APA Dissertation Research AwardThis award program assists science-oriented doctoral students of psychology with dissertation research costs.
  • Psychological Science Research GrantThis grant provides support for graduate students conducting psychological science research studies, with additional funding reserved specifically for diversity-focused research.

Psychology Career Job Boards

Funding and Scholarship Opportunties

NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program

The NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program recognizes and supports outstanding graduate students in NSF-supported science, technology, engineering, and mathematics disciplines who are pursuing research-based Master's and doctoral degrees at accredited United States institutions. Awards are highly competitive and take into account undergraduate GPA and GRE scores.  Students apply before or during the first or second year of graduate school and receive three years of funding.

Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award

The purpose of this Kirschstein-NRSA program is to enable promising predoctoral students with potential to develop into a productive, independent research scientists, to obtain mentored research training while conducting dissertation research. The F31 is also used to enhance workforce diversity though a separate program.  The F31 is the most prestigious target for funding for the final years of graduate school, but is extremely competitive.  It demonstrates to future research employers that you are able to conceive of a fundable project and get a competitive award to fund it. Availability of the award depends on content with some areas of the NIH only offering F31's to minority candidates.

Undergraduate and Graduate Students Psychology Internship Program

The purpose of the Psychology Internship with the Office of Ethnic Minority Affairs is to offer applied experience to enhance the knowledge of undergraduate and graduate students with a major or minor in psychology.

Minority Fellowship Program

MFP is a highly successful federally funded training program for ethnic and racial minority researchers and service providers. Offers fellowships for Master’s students, predoctoral and postdoctoral fellowships, and the Psychology Summer Institute.

American Psychological Association

The American Psychological Association offers a variety of funding opportunities for underrepresented undergraduate and graduate students or students interested in diversity issues. Here are some example awards offered by the American Psychological Association.

  • Financial Aid ScholarshipThe Financial Aid scholarship provides unmet financial need to students who, in addition to good academic standing, need financial assistance in order to complete a particular program of study.
  • SPP Diversity Research Grant. A $5,000 research grant available to members highlights the importance of diversity in pediatric psychology.
  • Undergraduate Scholarship Program (CIA)Students complete work sessions during each summer break, increasing knowledge and job responsibilities while assisting intelligence professionals and applying academic skills.
  • APA Summer Undergraduate Psychology Research Experience GrantsAPA offers grants to psychology departments to support undergraduate research assistantships during the summer of 2017.
  • Zeta Phi Beta Sorority General Graduate FellowshipsThese fellowships provide financial assistance to African-American graduate women who are working on professional degrees, master's degrees, doctoral, or post-doctoral studies.
  • Filipino-American Psychology ScholarshipThe goal of this scholarship is to increase the number of Filipino-American professors, researchers and academics in the field of psychology.
  • Morris K. Udall Undergraduate ScholarshipsThese merit-based scholarships support students interested in careers related to the environment or native students in tribal public policy or health care.
  • Minority International Research Training Grant in the Biomedical and Behavioral SciencesSupport short-term international training opportunities in health disparities research for students from health disparity populations and/or are underrepresented in their research fields.
  • Point Foundation LGBT ScholarshipsPoint Foundation provides scholarships, mentorship, leadership training and hope for undergraduate and graduate students of merit who have been marginalized due to sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.
  • Travel Grants for Students of Color in PsychologyAwarded to students of color in psychology to serve as a source of funding for graduate students to help defray travel expenses associated with attending and presenting research at a professional conference.
  • Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research for Undergraduate Students (NIAID)Supports scientists who are members of an underrepresented group at the following levels: high school, undergraduate, medical, graduate, postdoctoral and junior faculty.
  • Mental Health Dissertation Research Grant to Increase DiversityThese grants enable qualified doctoral candidates from underrepresented groups, with disabilities or from disadvantaged backgrounds to pursue research careers in any area relevant to the research missions of NIMH.
  • Psi Chi Regional Research AwardsPresented to students submitting the best research papers to Psi Chi sessions at regional conventions.
  • APAGS/Psi Chi Junior Scientist FellowshipThe Junior Scientist Fellowship provides support for students entering their first year, or the first semester of their second year, of a research-oriented graduate program. 
  • APA Dissertation Research AwardThis award program assists science-oriented doctoral students of psychology with dissertation research costs.
  • Psychological Science Research GrantThis grant provides support for graduate students conducting psychological science research studies, with additional funding reserved specifically for diversity-focused research.