Loyola University Chicago

Pre-Health Professions

Career Services


All podiatry schools in the United States require the Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT) to be taken within 3 years of application. The MCAT should be planned well in advance as you should ideally take the exam only one time and only after you have completed the recommended courses.  Most successful applicants devote several (at least 3) months and approximately 300 hours or more to studying so consider when you will have this time available.  The MCAT is offered in January, and then monthly from March to September.  A January exam means that you will study throughout the fall.  A March, April or early May test date will mean that you will need to study for the exam while maintaining your spring courses and activities.  An August exam will give you the entire summer to study.   We recommend that you take the MCAT at least a month before you send in your application so that you have your scores back (medical school applications go in around June 1 which means taking the MCAT in early May).  Many students will take the MCAT much earlier, in January or even in the preceding August.



  • FIND TIME TO STUDY: Assume you will need at least 300 hours to review material, study, and take practice exams.  It has been said that it is often better to plan for 3 months of intense study rather than 6 months or longer of protracted study, as you might forget what you learned at the beginning.  Plan to take the exam only once and prepare well.
    • Look at how the MCAT is set up, the type of questions being asked, and how much reviewing you will need.
    • Commercial companies like Princeton ReviewKaplanExamkrackers, and NextStep can be useful if you tend to procrastinate, want someone else to set up a study plan, or if you like the accountability and structure of a class.  These companies offer a variety of options, including classes, review materials, and sample exams (sometimes they offer free exams).   
    • Set up your own study plan. Buy/borrow review books, study on your own, and take practice exams independently.  Khan Academy is a free online nonprofit review site for the MCAT.  The AAMC also has free resources.
    • We don't recommend any specific method or commercial company. Students in the past have studied successfully in many different ways.   Reflect how you learn best and then choose a preparation strategy that works for you.
    • Talk to peers who have already taken the MCAT about their experience and preparation.
    • Check out some examples of MCAT preparation plans from successful applicants: https://students-residents.aamc.org/how-i-prepared-mcat-exam/how-i-prepared-mcat-exam
    • Plan to take multiple sample tests so you are comfortable with the layout, length of passages, and kinds of questions they ask so you know how to evaluate and attack each question. Take at least one full-length exam so you can judge your stamina and ability to concentrate over 8 hours.
    • Be sure your scores are showing proficiency and knowledge. Scores are sometimes lower on real exams than on practice exams.
    • Understanding the MCAT is a variable you can control. Also consider other variables such as a new/strange location, traffic, difficulty parking, check-in delays, distractions during the exam, etc. that can also create stress and anxiety and prepare for them in advance, if you can.
  • GAP YEARS? MCAT scores are acceptable for about 3 years before they expire.  Check the information for schools you will apply to because some schools accept MCAT scores up to 3 years before matriculation; others accept MCAT scores up to 3 years before application.  Take the exam when you are most able to study, have completed the courses covered on the MCAT, and are within an appropriate time of applying.   If you are thinking of two gap years for research programs, teaching, Peace Corps, or a fellowship, taking the MCAT the calendar year you graduate might give you enough time to apply.