Nadia N. Sawicki
Co-Chair, Beazley Institute for Health Law and Policy

The Politics of Informed Consent and the Limits of the First Amendment, 329 JAMA 1635 (2023)
Ethical Malpractice, 59 HOUS. L. REV. 1069 (2022)
Tort Law Implications of Compelled Physician Speech, 97 IND. L.J. 939 (2022)
The Conscience Defense to Malpractice, 108 CALIF. L. REV. 1255 (2020)
Protections from Civil Liability in State Abortion Conscience Laws, 322 JAMA 1918 (2019)
The Politics of Informed Consent and the Limits of the First Amendment, 329 JAMA 1635 (2023)
Ethical Malpractice, 59 HOUS. L. REV. 1069 (2022)
Tort Law Implications of Compelled Physician Speech, 97 IND. L.J. 939 (2022)
The Conscience Defense to Malpractice, 108 CALIF. L. REV. 1255 (2020)
Protections from Civil Liability in State Abortion Conscience Laws, 322 JAMA 1918 (2019)