James Thuo Gathii
Wing-Tat Lee Chair of International Law

Kenyan Company Law Under the Companies Act of 2015 (Sheria Publishing House, forthcoming 2024)
How to Reform the Global Debt and Financial Architecture (ed.) (Sheria Publishing House, 2023)
Beyond Color-Blind International Economic Law, 117 AM. J. INT’l L. UNBOUND 61 (2023)
Judicialization of Election Disputes in Africa’s International Courts, 84 LAW & CONTEMPT. PROBS. 181 (2022) (with Akinkugbe)
Racial Capitalism and International Economic Law: Introduction, 25 J. INT’L ECON. L. 199 (2022) (with Tzouvala)
Kenyan Company Law Under the Companies Act of 2015 (Sheria Publishing House, forthcoming 2024)
How to Reform the Global Debt and Financial Architecture (ed.) (Sheria Publishing House, 2023)
Beyond Color-Blind International Economic Law, 117 AM. J. INT’l L. UNBOUND 61 (2023)
Judicialization of Election Disputes in Africa’s International Courts, 84 LAW & CONTEMPT. PROBS. 181 (2022) (with Akinkugbe)
Racial Capitalism and International Economic Law: Introduction, 25 J. INT’L ECON. L. 199 (2022) (with Tzouvala)