
Philip H. Corboy Lecture in Advocacy

Dan K. Webb Center for Advocacy presents

Dismantling the Cycle of Domestic Violence through Collaboration of Legal Professionals

Monday, October 30, 2023
5:30 P.M.

Zoom Webinarhttps://luc.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_suMSl2bvTSuIORjO66x6pw#/registration

Domestic Violence has severe and lasting impacts on all members of a family including those who may have experienced the trauma by observation. Without adequate support and resources provided to these individuals, today’s victim may become tomorrow’s abuser. Our experienced panel will discuss domestic violence cases from the lens of legal professionals with comment on trauma informed prosecutions, services that can help trauma victims cope and recover, and ways prosecutors and public defenders can collaborate in this space in an effort to stop the all too common and vicious victim-to-abuser cycle.

This program has been approved for 1.25 of Illinois MCLE credit. 

The Annual Philip H. Corboy Lecture features prominent speakers on current issues of trial advocacy, and is open to the professional community.  The Corboy Lectures were established as part of the Philip H. Corboy Fellowship program.  The first lectures took place during the 1995-96 academic year.

*Loyola Law Students:  Attendance qualifies as an “Event” towards a Certificate in Advocacy

Dan K. Webb Center for Advocacy presents

Dismantling the Cycle of Domestic Violence through Collaboration of Legal Professionals

Monday, October 30, 2023
5:30 P.M.

Zoom Webinarhttps://luc.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_suMSl2bvTSuIORjO66x6pw#/registration

Domestic Violence has severe and lasting impacts on all members of a family including those who may have experienced the trauma by observation. Without adequate support and resources provided to these individuals, today’s victim may become tomorrow’s abuser. Our experienced panel will discuss domestic violence cases from the lens of legal professionals with comment on trauma informed prosecutions, services that can help trauma victims cope and recover, and ways prosecutors and public defenders can collaborate in this space in an effort to stop the all too common and vicious victim-to-abuser cycle.

This program has been approved for 1.25 of Illinois MCLE credit. 

The Annual Philip H. Corboy Lecture features prominent speakers on current issues of trial advocacy, and is open to the professional community.  The Corboy Lectures were established as part of the Philip H. Corboy Fellowship program.  The first lectures took place during the 1995-96 academic year.

*Loyola Law Students:  Attendance qualifies as an “Event” towards a Certificate in Advocacy