
Patent Program

Participants in the patent law program

The Loyola Patent Law Interview Program is a two-day interview program held each year that brings together patent law employers and law students from across the country to interview for summer associate positions and post-graduate employment.

The 2025 Patent Law Interview Program will be held virtually and take place on Thursday & Friday, June 5 and 6. Please see the tabs below for information on this year's program.

2023 Participating Employers2024 Registered Law Schools

Each year over 1,000 law students register for the program, submit their application materials, and apply for interviews with the nation-wide employers that interest them. The program is entirely employer selected - which means that participating employers review the materials submitted to them and choose the law students they are interested in interviewing at the program. Roughly half of the students registered for the program are selected for interviews each year.

If your firm is interested in receiving information about the Patent Law Interview Program, please email us at Law-PatentProgram@luc.edu and asked to be added to our mailing list.

The Loyola Patent Law Interview Program is a two-day interview program held each year that brings together patent law employers and law students from across the country to interview for summer associate positions and post-graduate employment.

The 2025 Patent Law Interview Program will be held virtually and take place on Thursday & Friday, June 5 and 6. Please see the tabs below for information on this year's program.

2023 Participating Employers2024 Registered Law Schools

Each year over 1,000 law students register for the program, submit their application materials, and apply for interviews with the nation-wide employers that interest them. The program is entirely employer selected - which means that participating employers review the materials submitted to them and choose the law students they are interested in interviewing at the program. Roughly half of the students registered for the program are selected for interviews each year.

If your firm is interested in receiving information about the Patent Law Interview Program, please email us at Law-PatentProgram@luc.edu and asked to be added to our mailing list.