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Recruiting Policies

Loyola values its relationships with employers and welcomes an exchange of information at all stages of the job search process. Loyola subscribes to all NALP Principles for a Fair and Ethical Recruitment Process, and expects students and employers with whom we work to be guided by these principles as well. The Recruitment Policies set forth below are intended to provide clarity on our expectations.

Non-Discrimination Policy

Non-Discrimination Policy 


Employers who use the facilities and services of the law school for interviewing and other placement functions agree to observe the principles of equal opportunity stated below.

Loyola University Chicago School of Law provides equality of opportunity in legal education for all persons, including faculty and employees, with respect to hiring, continuation, promotion and tenure, applicants for admission, enrolled students, and graduates, and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, religion, national origin, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, age, disability, military status, sex, age, ethnic origin, ancestry, marital status, parental status, veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by applicable law. In addition, Loyola provides its students and graduates with equal opportunity to obtain employment without discrimination or segregation on the above-stated grounds. Facilities and services of the Career Services Office of Loyola University Chicago School of Law are available only to employers whose employment practices are consistent with this policy and are similarly non-discriminatory.

We encourage all employers who have a demonstrated commitment to diversity and pluralism to use our services.

Loyola celebrates and promotes a safe and healthy community life for people of all races, religions, national origins, socio-economic classes, gender identities and expressions, sexual orientations, physical and learning abilities, and ages by modeling behavior and articulating expectations that we live and work together in one community, bound together by our commitment to learning and respect for one another. Excellence and diversity at Loyola are inextricably tied. We have a deep understanding of and commitment to the fact that to be an excellent law school we must be diverse in all aspects of our work.

Employer Recruiting Policy

Employer Recruiting Policy

General Provisions

  1. Loyola Law expects employers and students to schedule interviews outside of student class times.
  2. Loyola Law expects students to comply with all written terms of offer letters, including requests for reaffirmation. Students should not hold open more than three offers at a time. 
  3. All offers for employment should remain open for at least two weeks from the date of the written offer.

Offers for Summer Employment from Private Sector Employers with over 40 Attorneys

  1. Offers for summer employment from private sector employers with over 40 attorneys should remain open for at least 14 days from the date of the written offer. Reasonable student requests for extensions should be honored with at least 7 days provided.
  2. Offers for summer employment made before the start of OCI should remain open for at least 14 days from the first day of OCI. Reasonable student requests for extensions should be honored with at least 7 days provided.

Offers for Post-Graduate Employment from Private Sector Employers with over 40 Attorneys

  1. Offers for post-graduate employment made to students previously employed by the employer made on or before September 2 should remain open until October 1.
  2. Offers for post-graduate employment made to students previously employed by the employer made after September 2 should remain open at least 21 days.
  3. Offers for post-graduate employment made to students not previously employed by the employer made on or before December 1 should remain open at least 21 days.
  4. Offers for post-graduate employment made to students not previously employed by the employer made after December 1 should remain open for at least two weeks.
  5. Private sector employers are expected to extend the deadline to accept offers for post-graduate employment until April 1 for students actively pursuing public interest or government positions.

Provisions for 1L Recruitment

Prospective employers should not initiate formal one-on-one recruiting contact with first-year students, including applications, interviews, or offers prior to December 1. In limited circumstances government employers requiring an extensive background check may receive and review applications prior to December 1.  

Student Policy

Student Policy

Candidates should represent their qualifications and interests fully and accurately throughout the employment search process by:

  • Providing, at the request of an employer, an appropriate resume and accurate copies of all academic transcripts, recognizing that should they fail to do so, or should they falsify documentation, they risk sanction from their law school, prospective employers, and/or bar admission authorities;
  • Providing, at the request of an employer, original writing samples that explain the context in which the document was written and identify the extent to which third parties contributed to the document; and
  • Masking or redacting writing samples from law-related employment to preserve client confidentiality and using such writings only with the permission of the supervising attorney.

Candidates are encouraged to conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times during the recruitment process by:

  • Adhering to all scheduling commitments during the on-campus interview process, canceling only for good cause and promptly communicating with the office of career services and the employer when cancellation is necessary;
  • Responding promptly to all requests or invitations from an employer, and only accepting invitations for in-office interviews when the candidate has a genuine interest in working for the employer;
  • Handling in a timely manner any changes or cancellations to an in-office interview, including cancellation of any travel arrangements;
  • Reaching an understanding with an employer about its reimbursement policies prior to traveling, including prorating expenses for trips during which interviews with more than one employer occur in accordance with those employers' reimbursement policies; and
  • Requesting reimbursement only for reasonable expenses directly related to the interview and incurred in good faith, recognizing that failure to observe this policy or falsification or misrepresentation of travel expenses may result in non-reimbursement, elimination from consideration for employment, and/or the revocation of offers by an employer.

Candidates are encouraged to promptly communicate with employers and their office of career services about their acceptance, rejection, or requests for deferrals of employment offers by:

  • Abiding by the standards for candidate responses established by the employer and/or law school and notifying the employer as soon as a decision is made, even if that decision is made in advance of the prevailing response date;
  • Acting in good faith to decline promptly offers for interviews and employment which are no longer being seriously considered by the candidate, in fairness to both employers and peers;
  • Notifying the office of career services upon acceptance of any employment offer in order for law schools to comply with institutional reporting requirements;
  • Withdrawing pending applications or canceling scheduled interviews with other employers after accepting an offer of employment;
  • Holding open no more than three employment offers at any one time; and
  • Apprising prospective employers of any intentions to seek or accept fellowships, judicial clerkships, or other limited term professional employment in order to obtain a clear understanding of the employer's offer deferral policies.

Candidates should honor their employment commitments by:

  • Requesting all offers in writing and confirming offer modifications in writing, in order to avoid undue confusion regarding offer terms; and
  • Notifying promptly, in writing, both the employer and office of career services if it becomes necessary for a candidate to modify or be released from their acceptance of an employment offer.

Loyola values its relationships with employers and welcomes an exchange of information at all stages of the job search process. Loyola subscribes to all NALP Principles for a Fair and Ethical Recruitment Process, and expects students and employers with whom we work to be guided by these principles as well. The Recruitment Policies set forth below are intended to provide clarity on our expectations.