

student and employer meeting

Career Services can assist you in identifying and hiring outstanding legal talent by providing access to students and alumni from the Loyola University Chicago School of Law through our recruiting services.

Recruiting Opportunities

Recruiting Policies

Loyola values its relationships with employers and welcomes an exchange of information at all stages of the job search process. Loyola subscribes to all NALP Principles for a Fair and Ethical Recruitment Process, and expects students and employers with whom we work to be guided by these principles as well. The Recruitment Policies set forth below are intended to provide clarity on our expectations.

Career Services can assist you in identifying and hiring outstanding legal talent by providing access to students and alumni from the Loyola University Chicago School of Law through our recruiting services.

Recruiting Policies

Loyola values its relationships with employers and welcomes an exchange of information at all stages of the job search process. Loyola subscribes to all NALP Principles for a Fair and Ethical Recruitment Process, and expects students and employers with whom we work to be guided by these principles as well. The Recruitment Policies set forth below are intended to provide clarity on our expectations.