Loyola University Chicago

School of Law

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1L BARBRY 1L Mastery Webinar

1Ls -- If you weren’t able to join BARBRI’s webinar on Friday, February 23, 2024, but would like to learn more about how to access your BARBRI 1L Mastery resources and use them to help you in class this semester & on finals, the recording can be accessed here: BARBRI 1L Mastery & More Webinar. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Loyola’s BARBRI Director, Mallory Guerreso at Mallory.guerreso@barbri.com.

Recording link: https://zoom.us/rec/share/NMeIHj3yyLGQN3N2NLc1UCHF-r3BTzCbxITlMsg3ZiOWVpvkyjguBp0OyVwdfb9S.gaow6VLONSrpOAb-