Why Major in History?

Careers in History
History teaches us to think historically, to see issues and societies in historical context. Just as we learn about individuals through their personal stories, so we become familiar with issues and societies through their histories. History leads us to a realistic appreciation of our own time by studying the past and enabling us to measure it against other times and societies. From history we develop a desire, and a method, to understand peoples and cultures, a mentality of great importance in our own pluralistic society and global world. History instructs us about the complexity of human affairs and helps us avoid oversimplification and stereotypes in our thinking. These are only a few of the educationally liberal attitudes and values that the study of history imparts. They enrich us as human beings and are valuable in any career or profession.
For more information on careers in general, and for help with resume preparation, visit Loyola's Career Center.

“Help! My kid wants to be a History Major!”
I get it. I may be the chair of the Department of History at Loyola University Chicago, but I’m also the parent of college age children. Like me, you love your children. Like me, you work hard all of your adult life, you scrimp, you save, you do everything you can to protect them and coach them and get them to a really good school like Loyola. Now they’re in, and the opportunities before them seem unlimited—but so do the choices and the pitfalls. You can’t rest easy just yet. You want to help them to launch themselves into the world in such a way that they will be happy and safe. But what a world it is. Setting politics, crime and global warming aside, whether you get your economic news from the television, the internet or the newspaper, you know one thing: It’s tough out there. Sure you want your college graduate to find him or herself, to become inspired and knowledgeable and wise. That’s why you sent them to a Jesuit university. But you also want them to find a job—respectable, well paying, secure.
That’s what we want too.
Still, you might prefer that your offspring pick a seemingly more lucrative major that will train them for a specific job, like pre-med, nursing, marketing or accounting. These are fine choices, in all of which Loyola is a recognized leader. But what do you do if your son or daughter shows little interest in those fields; or if, having tried them, his or her grades don’t measure up? What do you do if, one day, your child tells you that he or she wants to be a History major?
This website exists, in part, to tell you that it’s OK. They will do just fine.
First, don’t panic. Each of our parents got the same message, and they all got over it. Your child has chosen to study History with one of the best departments in the country, nationally ranked on several occasions within the last decade (For more on the History Department at Loyola, see http://www.luc.edu/history/welcome.shtml). More importantly, they have chosen a discipline and a department with a proven track record in training our majors for fulfilling and often lucrative employment, as I hope to demonstrate later in this message.
But how can that be? I mean, what can you do with a History major, besides teach History? It’s not like there’s a recognized job category like “historian” in the real world? (Well, actually, there is: nearly every major institution or corporation in our society has at least one and often many historians and/or archivists to record that institution’s past and progress, archive its records, etc, including Congress, all branches of the military, IBM, General Motors, Baxter Labs).
The mass media is doing its part to scare parents with stories like:
- “A Decline That Makes Economic Sense”—but read all the responses
But there are also stories like these:
- “The Humanities in Crisis? Not at Most Schools”
- The Humanities, Declining? Not According to the Numbers.
- “30 People With 'Soft' College Majors Who Became Extremely Successful”
- “11 Reasons To Ignore The Haters And Major In The Humanities”
- “Humanities Degree Provides Excellent Investment Returns”
- “We Need More Humanities Majors”
- "Want Innovative Thinking? Hire from the Humanities”
- "Study Correlates Liberal Arts Education with Lifelong Success"
In fact, Humanities enrollments, like the job market, go in cycles. Study after study and lots of individual real-world experience (including that of alumni of this university), all tell us that people often land jobs in fields other than the one in which they majored; that even when they do find a job in their major field, they have to re-train and, often, within a few years, find themselves doing something else (see: “Does Your Major Matter”: here). That’s just the way a modern economy works. Often, those who do best and have the most fulfilling lives, are not people who have narrowed in on a particular set of knowledge or skills; but whose range of knowledge and skills is both broad and fundamental: that is, people who know how to think (critically and creatively), people who know how to speak, how to write, how to debate, how to do research and how to make decisions on the basis of a dispassionate evaluation of the facts before them. Thus, according to the College of Liberal Arts of the University of Illinois,
“Recently, 113 corporations were asked what skills were needed by recent grads to forge a successful career in business. They stated that the most important skill to have was good verbal communication, followed by the ability to identify and formulate problems, being able to assume responsibility, to be able to reason, and to possess the ability to function independently. These skills are best gained from the broad knowledge of human interaction, of society, of culture, and of the arts.” (see here)
According to a study conducted by Debra Humphreys and Patrick Kelly of the Association of American Colleges and Universities and the National Association for Higher Education Management Systems 93% of employers report that “a demonstrated capacity to think critically, communicate clearly, and solve complex problems is more important than [a candidate’s] undergraduate major.”
It is our experience and that of our graduates that History imparts these capacities to students par excellence. In short, History’s great advantage is that it prepares you to do a wide variety of things well. What could be more practical than that?
This helps to explain why History and Humanities majors often do quite well in business and government. A recent edition of Business Insider (see here) identifies a significant number of CEOs whose majors were in the Humanities, including
- Ken Chenault, of American Express (History)
- Michael Eisner of Disney (English and Theater)
- Carly Fiorina, Ex-HP CEO (Medieval History and Philosophy)
- Robert Gates, ex-Secretary of Defense (History)
- Carl Icahn (Philosophy)
- A.G. Lafley of Procter & Gamble (French and History)
- Brian Moynihan, Bank of America's CEO (History)
- Mitt Romney former Massachusetts Governor and Republican presidential nominee (English)
- George Soros (Philosophy)
- Peter Thiel of Paypal (Philosophy)
- Ted Turner of CNN (History)
- Former IBM CEO Sam Palmisano (History)
Other prominent History majors in business include Joshua Marshall, founder and owner, Talking Points Memo and TPMMuckracker, Steve Sanger, CEO, General Mills, John J. Mack, Chairman and CEO, Morgan Stanley, and Loyola’s own Jennifer Pritzker, financier and philanthropist. (For distinguished Loyola History majors, see below; for more information see here, which cites the studies noted above)
It is true that, according to the study quoted above, Humanities graduates do earn less than those with degrees in pre-professional fields immediately upon graduation, but they earn several thousand dollars more, on average, by the time both groups hit their peak earning years in their 50s and 60s. In short, persistence pays off for Humanities graduates.
Careers in History
History teaches us to think historically, to see issues and societies in historical context. Just as we learn about individuals through their personal stories, so we become familiar with issues and societies through their histories. History leads us to a realistic appreciation of our own time by studying the past and enabling us to measure it against other times and societies. From history we develop a desire, and a method, to understand peoples and cultures, a mentality of great importance in our own pluralistic society and global world. History instructs us about the complexity of human affairs and helps us avoid oversimplification and stereotypes in our thinking. These are only a few of the educationally liberal attitudes and values that the study of history imparts. They enrich us as human beings and are valuable in any career or profession.
For more information on careers in general, and for help with resume preparation, visit Loyola's Career Center.
“Help! My kid wants to be a History Major!”
I get it. I may be the chair of the Department of History at Loyola University Chicago, but I’m also the parent of college age children. Like me, you love your children. Like me, you work hard all of your adult life, you scrimp, you save, you do everything you can to protect them and coach them and get them to a really good school like Loyola. Now they’re in, and the opportunities before them seem unlimited—but so do the choices and the pitfalls. You can’t rest easy just yet. You want to help them to launch themselves into the world in such a way that they will be happy and safe. But what a world it is. Setting politics, crime and global warming aside, whether you get your economic news from the television, the internet or the newspaper, you know one thing: It’s tough out there. Sure you want your college graduate to find him or herself, to become inspired and knowledgeable and wise. That’s why you sent them to a Jesuit university. But you also want them to find a job—respectable, well paying, secure.
That’s what we want too.
Still, you might prefer that your offspring pick a seemingly more lucrative major that will train them for a specific job, like pre-med, nursing, marketing or accounting. These are fine choices, in all of which Loyola is a recognized leader. But what do you do if your son or daughter shows little interest in those fields; or if, having tried them, his or her grades don’t measure up? What do you do if, one day, your child tells you that he or she wants to be a History major?
This website exists, in part, to tell you that it’s OK. They will do just fine.
First, don’t panic. Each of our parents got the same message, and they all got over it. Your child has chosen to study History with one of the best departments in the country, nationally ranked on several occasions within the last decade (For more on the History Department at Loyola, see http://www.luc.edu/history/welcome.shtml). More importantly, they have chosen a discipline and a department with a proven track record in training our majors for fulfilling and often lucrative employment, as I hope to demonstrate later in this message.
But how can that be? I mean, what can you do with a History major, besides teach History? It’s not like there’s a recognized job category like “historian” in the real world? (Well, actually, there is: nearly every major institution or corporation in our society has at least one and often many historians and/or archivists to record that institution’s past and progress, archive its records, etc, including Congress, all branches of the military, IBM, General Motors, Baxter Labs).
The mass media is doing its part to scare parents with stories like:
- “A Decline That Makes Economic Sense”—but read all the responses
But there are also stories like these:
- “The Humanities in Crisis? Not at Most Schools”
- The Humanities, Declining? Not According to the Numbers.
- “30 People With 'Soft' College Majors Who Became Extremely Successful”
- “11 Reasons To Ignore The Haters And Major In The Humanities”
- “Humanities Degree Provides Excellent Investment Returns”
- “We Need More Humanities Majors”
- "Want Innovative Thinking? Hire from the Humanities”
- "Study Correlates Liberal Arts Education with Lifelong Success"
In fact, Humanities enrollments, like the job market, go in cycles. Study after study and lots of individual real-world experience (including that of alumni of this university), all tell us that people often land jobs in fields other than the one in which they majored; that even when they do find a job in their major field, they have to re-train and, often, within a few years, find themselves doing something else (see: “Does Your Major Matter”: here). That’s just the way a modern economy works. Often, those who do best and have the most fulfilling lives, are not people who have narrowed in on a particular set of knowledge or skills; but whose range of knowledge and skills is both broad and fundamental: that is, people who know how to think (critically and creatively), people who know how to speak, how to write, how to debate, how to do research and how to make decisions on the basis of a dispassionate evaluation of the facts before them. Thus, according to the College of Liberal Arts of the University of Illinois,
“Recently, 113 corporations were asked what skills were needed by recent grads to forge a successful career in business. They stated that the most important skill to have was good verbal communication, followed by the ability to identify and formulate problems, being able to assume responsibility, to be able to reason, and to possess the ability to function independently. These skills are best gained from the broad knowledge of human interaction, of society, of culture, and of the arts.” (see here)
According to a study conducted by Debra Humphreys and Patrick Kelly of the Association of American Colleges and Universities and the National Association for Higher Education Management Systems 93% of employers report that “a demonstrated capacity to think critically, communicate clearly, and solve complex problems is more important than [a candidate’s] undergraduate major.”
It is our experience and that of our graduates that History imparts these capacities to students par excellence. In short, History’s great advantage is that it prepares you to do a wide variety of things well. What could be more practical than that?
This helps to explain why History and Humanities majors often do quite well in business and government. A recent edition of Business Insider (see here) identifies a significant number of CEOs whose majors were in the Humanities, including
- Ken Chenault, of American Express (History)
- Michael Eisner of Disney (English and Theater)
- Carly Fiorina, Ex-HP CEO (Medieval History and Philosophy)
- Robert Gates, ex-Secretary of Defense (History)
- Carl Icahn (Philosophy)
- A.G. Lafley of Procter & Gamble (French and History)
- Brian Moynihan, Bank of America's CEO (History)
- Mitt Romney former Massachusetts Governor and Republican presidential nominee (English)
- George Soros (Philosophy)
- Peter Thiel of Paypal (Philosophy)
- Ted Turner of CNN (History)
- Former IBM CEO Sam Palmisano (History)
Other prominent History majors in business include Joshua Marshall, founder and owner, Talking Points Memo and TPMMuckracker, Steve Sanger, CEO, General Mills, John J. Mack, Chairman and CEO, Morgan Stanley, and Loyola’s own Jennifer Pritzker, financier and philanthropist. (For distinguished Loyola History majors, see below; for more information see here, which cites the studies noted above)
It is true that, according to the study quoted above, Humanities graduates do earn less than those with degrees in pre-professional fields immediately upon graduation, but they earn several thousand dollars more, on average, by the time both groups hit their peak earning years in their 50s and 60s. In short, persistence pays off for Humanities graduates.