Loyola University Chicago

Department of History


Undergraduates Attend 2020 AHA Annual Meeting

Undergraduates Attend 2020 AHA Annual Meeting

Shelbi Shultz, Kristin Morrison, and Jacob McAloon all had poster presentations at the 2020 AHA Annual Meeting in NYC.

This year's AHA Conference, hosted in New York City,  History Department faculty, graduate students, and undergraduates were featured in a variety of roles. Loyola is proud to have had the most undergraduates presenting an individual poster at this year's conference! They are Jacob McAloon with "Eighty Acres of Hell" or "a Grand Old-Time?": The War of Words Surrounding Chicago's Camp Douglas and Historical MemoryKristin Morrison with An Evolution of the Eighteenth-Century Conduct Book: Expanding the Domestic Woman's Presence in the Public Sphere, and Shelbi Shultz with Urban Cleansing: The Antiseptic Renewal Project of Sandburg Village and the Failure to Build Community


Morrison expanded on her experience at the conference, "Although it was nerve-wracking, once one person stopped by the talk with me, it felt easy. I had good conversations with multiple professors and other conference attendees. A woman from the Museum of the City of New York was especially enthusiastic to talk to me about my work and encouraged me to keep in contact with her. When the session ended, it was surreal to lose the anxiety over creating the poster and presenting it". She also had time to explore many cultural opportunities available in New York City such as visiting the MET and Broadway. "I am so grateful for the donation which made my weekend possible," Morrison concluded. 


Overall, it was a successful experience for all participants. The History Department is also honored to have Dr. Ben Johnson receive the Herbert Feis Award for the "Refusing to Forget" project. Read an interview with Dr. Johnson and about all the Loyolans participating in this year's conference here