Loyola University Chicago

Department of History


Graduating soon? Advice on Careers in History

Graduating soon? Advice on Careers in History

We have asked Keyalo Gray, the History Advisor in the Career Development Center, to offer some advice for graduating seniors about finding a fulfilling job.  Keyalo will be leading a workshop for all History students thinking about careers on Friday, April 25th, from 2-3:30 in Life Science Building 312. Refreshments will be offered.

In considering your career, one of the first decisions to make is whether you wish to practice history directly, or whether you wish to apply the knowledge and skills you have learned in the study of history to any one of many fields. Distinctions between such choices are highly personal, and thoughtful reflection on your career goals is mandatory at this stage in which several key decisions will be required once you have identified and established both your personal and professional goals. As you brace for your final weeks of your undergraduate careers, and as you think about the next phase of your lives it is critically important to:

  • Develop a vision of yourself and for yourself
  • Reflect on your interests, talents, skills and personal values
  • Explore, and navigate the concepts of career and vocation…
  • (Identify how talents, skills and your personal values align with these concepts)
  • Look to integrate your interests, talents, skills and personal values
  • into work experiences
  • Revisit and reaffirm (or revise if necessary) outlined professional goals and objectives

Take Action

  • Update resume for job search or graduate/professional school applications
  • Identify individuals to serve as professional references
  • Sharpen interviewing skills through practice and mock interviews and acquire appropriate attire
  • Review your electronic portfolio to reflect on your experiences.

Moving forward, services are offered to all undergraduate/graduate students and LUC alumni so be sure to schedule an appointment when necessary and/or participate in on campus recruiting for post graduate jobs and attend campus/community career fairs.

Online Resources