Loyola University Chicago

Department of History


New 300-level Classes for Fall 2017!

The schedule for 300-Level Fall 2017 classes is here! While every class offered by the History Department is interesting and engaging, a handful of our Fall courses are especially notable.

This is the last time Elliot Lefkovitz’s class “Holocaust and 20th Century Genocide” will be offered. Students who are interested in history of violence, world history, history of war, and modern politics should seriously consider enrolling!

The Department also welcomes graduate students Kai Parker and Ashley Finigan and recent grad Emily Lord Fransee from the University of Chicago as instructors this year! Parker will teach Introduction to African-American History, while Fransee and Finigan will teach two brand-new “Topics” courses, Gender and Sexuality in Modern Africa and Topics in American History: Movements Soundtracks. Finally, students looking to learn new skills should think about enrolling in Dr. Elizabeth Hopwood’s Digital History course “The History of Food,” which is also cross-listed with the Center for Digital Humanities and Textual Studies.  

For more information on these courses and others, refer to the table below and keep an eye out on the Department’s social media feeds. We hope to see YOU in a History class next year!


SubjectCourse TitleInstructorTime
HIST 300B  Heresy and Inquisition Stabler  T TH 10:00-11:15
HIST 300C  Modern Balkans: History, Fiction, & Film Hajdarpasic  MW 2:45-4:00
HIST 300D  American Icons Gorn  T TH 1:00-2:15
HIST 300D  Movements Soundtracks Finigan  MW 2:45-4:00
HIST 300D  Italians in Chicago Candeloro  T TH 11:30-12:45
HIST 300E  Gender and Sexuality in Modern Africa Lord Fransee  T TH 2:30-3:45
HIST 308B  Pompeii and Herculaneum Dossey  MWF 9:20-10:10
HIST 310  Early Middle Ages, 600-1150 Gross-Diaz  T TH 11:30-12:45
 HIST 318A  Early Modern England, 1485-1760 Bucholz  MWF 2:45-3:35
 HIST 323  19th Century German Culture & Politics Dennis  T TH 10:00-11:15
 HIST 325  Great Britain Since 1760 Forth  MWF 11:30-12:20
 HIST 328  Russia Pre-1917:Empire Building Khodarkovsky  T TH 10:00-11:15
 HIST 334B  Holocaust & 20th Century Genocide Lefkovitz  T TH 2:30-3:45
 HIST 337  Soviet Union: Rise & Fall Suszko  T TH 1:00-2:15
 HIST 340B  Introduction to Islamic History Searcy  T TH 11:30-12:45
 HIST 341B  Arab-Israeli Conflict Ghazzal  MWF 11:30-12:20
 HIST 346B  Reform & Revolution in China, 1800-1949 Allee  T TH 1:00-2:15
 HIST 369  20th Century Popular Culture Fraterrigo  MWF 10:25-11:15
 HIST 375  Digital History: History of Food Hopwood  T TH 2:30-3:45
 HIST 378  Latina/o History Johnson  T TH Time TBD
 HIST 380  Introduction to African-American History Parker  T TH 11:30-12:45
 HIST 385  The History of Chicago Gilfoyle  W 2:45-5:15